Mergers & Acquisitions Consulting 

Let's Talk

Building a better tomorrow, today

By their very nature, mergers and acquisitions are tricky. Take some of the guesswork out of the equation with our excellent track record in mergers and acquisitions and risk assessment.

Our comprehensive, multi-tiered assessment and review process is designed to discover the details and nuances of existing plans, understand the cost and personnel implications of each, and ensure compliance with applicable laws. 

Prior to any merger or acquisition, we provide you with unbiased, to-the-point evaluation and projections of Accounting and Funding costs and liabilities, both pre- and post-acquisition. The numbers tell a story; we give you the details so you can make informed decisions.

From communications to local laws analysis, employee benefits due diligence during a merger and acquisition has long-lasting consequences. Our team of experts offer a variety of services including:

  • Data collection for census, summary plan documents, reports, and calculations
  • Investment policy and performance review
  • Assessment of plan compliance with applicable laws
  • Review of plan communications
  • Evaluation and projections of accounting and funding costs and liabilities pre- and post-acquisition
  • Analysis of alternatives for merging and spinning off plans
  • Analysis of benefits which must be preserved based on applicable IRS rules

Consider the long-term implications of human capital due diligence during M&A activity. Our talented team guides you through common pitfalls while ensuring the long term success of your organization.

Our actuaries have worked with several large private equity groups and other companies to provide insight during the due diligence phase for mergers and acquisitions. Our evaluation of liabilities plays a critical role in determining the value of companies and other organizations that retain significant loss reserves. We know that timing is critical for potential mergers or acquisitions, and tailor our services to meet the specific time constraints of each deal.

Solutions Experts

Clark Heitkamp
Senior Consulting Actuary,
Health & Life Actuarial Services
Stuart Piltch
President - Risk Strategies Consulting
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Required by the TTB for alcohol-related businesses with annual excise taxes exceeding $50,000.

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