This cybersecurity eBook recaps the state of the cyber in 2022, highlights some important developments, and looks ahead to 2023.
}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our 2023 Cyber Liability: Building Cyber Resilience in a Complex World resource}'}, BlogPost 152388461101 2024 Florida Property Insurance Market Outlook | Risk Strategies, {id=166806559034, createdAt=1715188187144, updatedAt=1723228048734, 1='{type=string, value=2024 Hurricane Season Preparedness}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=View}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=6720,height=4480,url='',altText='Homes along waterway destroyed by tornado and hurricane',fileId=145945112124}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='Brochures', order=4, label='Brochures'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='Hurricane', order=5, label='Hurricane'}]}', 12='{type=number, value=1715126400000}', 13='{type=string, value=View our 2024 Hurricane Season Preparedness sheet }'}, BlogPost 185188824204 2025 Healthcare M&A Trends - How Customized Insurance Can Limit Risks, BlogPost 186176246824 2025 M&A and Private Equity Outlook: Evolving Market Trends, BlogPost 187111400312 2025 OSHA Reporting & Recordkeeping Guide for Employers, {id=184128264550, createdAt=1734708207247, updatedAt=1740429126794, 1='{type=string, value=2025 OSHA Reporting Requirements}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=3888,height=2592,url='',altText='GettyImages-119913622',fileId=184130158735}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=Recordkeeping is not usually considered the most exciting task to be done, but it is an important one when it comes to work accidents and OSHA requirements. When recordkeeping is not done correctly, or on time, it can be costly for an employer. During this webinar, we will review the OSHA reporting requirements and the 2025 changes to the process.}', 12='{type=number, value=1734393600000}', 13='{type=string, value=Register}', 14='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Risk Management', order=7, label='Risk Management'}}'}, BlogPost 83588473896 How Ecommerce Is Affecting the Same Day and Home Delivery Industry, BlogPost 153419572383 3PL Over-the-Threshold Delivery: Risks and Insurance Insights, BlogPost 174287114062 A Comprehensive Guide to Flood Insurance: Rising Flood Risks , BlogPost 157061956425 ACA Pay-or-Play Penalties Released for 2025, BlogPost 184056759420 ACA Reporting Requirements Eased with Passage of Two Congressional Bills, {id=145772383818, createdAt=1700144961733, updatedAt=1705591911725, 1='{type=string, value=Accessing Healthcare Provider Networks White Paper}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Read}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=620,height=460,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=23, name='Consulting', order=7, label='Consulting'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Accessing Healthcare Provider Networks White Paper}'}, BlogPost 167372934443 Adapting to the Driver Shortage in the Trucking Industry, BlogPost 183425119800 AI and Surety Bonds: A Comprehensive Guide for Business Leaders , BlogPost 159073417514 AI in Last Mile: What it Takes for Technology to Reduce Risk, BlogPost 184099071583 Air Taxis: Are They the Future? What You Need to Know., {id=89403495948, createdAt=1666706839748, updatedAt=1673977446769, 1='{type=string, value=An Excess of Risk: Social Services and Nonprofits in a Pandemic World}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=680,height=365,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our An Excess of Risk: Social Services and Nonprofits in a Pandemic World resource}'}, {id=82365148948, createdAt=1660842380525, updatedAt=1723226397233, 1='{type=string, value=Annual Report}', 3='{type=string, value=/annual-report}', 4='{type=string, value=View}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=304,height=199,url='',altText='2023 Annual Report Cover Page Thumbnail',fileId=175321938771}}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=7, name='Report', order=5, label='Report'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Annual Report}'}, BlogPost 187873101693 Another Season Begins...Another Compliance Deadline Looms: RxDC Reporting, {id=91324498278, createdAt=1668179707305, updatedAt=1696972073659, 1='{type=string, value=Architects & Engineers Brochure}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=304,height=199,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Architects & Engineers', order=0, label='Architects & Engineers'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='Brochures', order=4, label='Brochures'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Architects & Engineers Brochure}'}, {id=174094826025, createdAt=1722008246335, updatedAt=1723228156297, 1='{type=string, value=Artificial Intelligence and the Impact on D&O and Cyber Insurance}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=620,height=460,url='',altText='AI-and-Impact-on-DO-and-Cyber-Insurance-Thumbnail-620-460',fileId=174111859495}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=14, name='Private Equity', order=22, label='Private Equity'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Artificial Intelligence and the Impact on D&O and Cyber Insurance white paper}'}, BlogPost 182512800405 Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems: A Safety Guide for Property Owners, {id=179471426818, createdAt=1727292681727, updatedAt=1728577334871, 1='{type=string, value=Automatic Sprinkler Protection: Risk vs. Reward?}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=7900,height=4443,url='',altText='GettyImages-1057015324',fileId=179471751682}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=Automatic sprinkler systems are designed to protect life and property, but how do they work? During this webinar, we reviewed the basic features of a sprinkler system including critical installation and maintenance requirements. In addition, we debunk some of those Hollywood myths about how sprinkler systems operate. Watch our recording to learn more!}', 12='{type=number, value=1727222400000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our recording}', 14='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Risk Management', order=7, label='Risk Management'}}'}, {id=91324498304, createdAt=1668180621783, updatedAt=1673977613184, 1='{type=string, value=Aviation Brochure}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=279,height=284,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='Aviation', order=1, label='Aviation'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='Brochures', order=4, label='Brochures'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Aviation Brochure}'}, {id=142910506914, createdAt=1698759399433, updatedAt=1723227892463, 1='{type=string, value=Aviation Insurance for Non-Owned Aircraft}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Read}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=620,height=460,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='Aviation', order=1, label='Aviation'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='Brochures', order=4, label='Brochures'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Aviation Insurance for Non-Owned Aircraft Brochure}'}, {id=142910506905, createdAt=1698759206210, updatedAt=1723227884582, 1='{type=string, value=Aviation Insurance for Privately Business Owned Aircraft}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Read}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=620,height=460,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='Aviation', order=1, label='Aviation'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='Brochures', order=4, label='Brochures'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Aviation Insurance for Privately Business Owned Aircraft Brochure}'}, {id=130186758525, createdAt=1692118879754, updatedAt=1692626656217, 1='{type=string, value=Behavioral Health White Paper}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Read }', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=722,height=473,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=23, name='Consulting', order=7, label='Consulting'}, {id=24, name='Health & Welfare', order=14, label='Health & Welfare'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 13='{type=string, value=Read our Revealing the “Right” Behavioral Health Solution White Paper}'}, BlogPost 162039672124 Benefits Administration System Technology: Ensuring It’s the Right Fit, BlogPost 156322847398 Biden’s Gig Worker Labor Rule: Effects on Last-Mile Delivery Businesses, BlogPost 164156667467 Crisis Management Planning: Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery, {id=180693506376, createdAt=1728571256837, updatedAt=1728573924082, 1='{type=string, value=Building a Human Firewall: Strengthening Your Cybersecurity Defenses}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Explore}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=620,height=460,url='',altText='building a human firewall - Cover Image',fileId=180696679199}}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=Creating a “human firewall” can significantly fortify your business against cyber threats.
}', 12='{type=number, value=1728518400000}', 13='{type=string, value=Explore}'}, BlogPost 170709736617 Building a Human Firewall: Strengthening Your Cybersecurity Defenses, BlogPost 182365264695 Building a Resilient Future: Insurance & Climate Science Collaboration, BlogPost 153259394057 How To Build Psychology of Safety Culture in Your Team, {id=111453565784, createdAt=1681767456131, updatedAt=1681768209041, 1='{type=string, value=Burgee Program Junior Sailing Safety Manual}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=840,height=542,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=20, name='Boat & Yacht', order=2, label='Boat & Yacht'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=11, name='Manual', order=9, label='Manual'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=12, name='Yacht Club Safety', order=11, label='Yacht Club Safety'}]}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Burgee Program Junior Sailing Safety Manual}'}, {id=111437164930, createdAt=1681769175335, updatedAt=1707752385998, 1='{type=string, value=Burgee Program Safety Resources}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=3504,height=2336,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=11, name='Manual', order=9, label='Manual'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=12, name='Yacht Club Safety', order=11, label='Yacht Club Safety'}]}', 13='{type=string, value=Read our Burgee Program Safety Resources}'}, BlogPost 131195393869 A Guide to Business Interruption Insurance, {id=145809824786, createdAt=1700164866944, updatedAt=1703172040072, 1='{type=string, value=Business Interruption Insurance Part 1}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=722,height=473,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=Watch the recorded Part 1 of our Business Interruption series where we covered what it is, how it's calculated, and the importance of having insurance for it. Get answers to your basic questions. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable knowledge. }', 12='{type=number, value=1686700800000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our Business Interruption Insurance Part One Webinar}', 14='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Risk Management', order=7, label='Risk Management'}}'}, {id=145809824787, createdAt=1700164867109, updatedAt=1703172046103, 1='{type=string, value=Business Interruption Insurance Part 2}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=722,height=473,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=Watch our past webinar where we discussed crucial topics like payroll coverage extension, contingent business interruption, and more. Our experts provided valuable insights to help you understand these extensions and their importance in managing financial risks. Watch the recording to learn more.}', 12='{type=number, value=1689724800000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our Business Interruption Insurance Part Two Webinar}', 14='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Risk Management', order=7, label='Risk Management'}}'}, {id=169676499128, createdAt=1717686656675, updatedAt=1723228075335, 1='{type=string, value=CA/OSHA's Workplace Violence Standard Webinar Slides}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=4000,height=2388,url='',altText='Broken glass',fileId=168330263092}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='Brochures', order=4, label='Brochures'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=9, name='Violence and Active Assailant', order=8, label='Violence and Active Assailant'}]}', 12='{type=number, value=1717632000000}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our CA/OSHA's Workplace Violence Standard Webinar Slides Slide Deck}'}, BlogPost 168311681702 Cal OSHA to Enforce New Workplace Violence Prevention Plan Law, BlogPost 181099955855 California Expands Leave Benefits in 2025, BlogPost 183098817280 California Insured Policies Must Cover Or Offer to Cover Fertility Treatments Later in 2025, BlogPost 186025741670 California Wildfire Risk and Insurance: Key Info for Property Owners, {id=169676499239, createdAt=1717687139492, updatedAt=1723228094360, 1='{type=string, value=California Workplace Violence Prevention Law - Sample Violent Incident Log }', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=3360,height=1800,url='',altText='Safety Consulting Services (1)',fileId=87394727949}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=9, name='Response Plan', order=7, label='Response Plan'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=9, name='Violence and Active Assailant', order=8, label='Violence and Active Assailant'}]}', 12='{type=number, value=1717632000000}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our California Workplace Violence Prevention Law - Sample Violent Incident Log Guide}'}, {id=169702267707, createdAt=1717699281743, updatedAt=1723228113689, 1='{type=string, value=California Workplace Violence Prevention Plan}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=4000,height=2388,url='',altText='Broken glass',fileId=168330263092}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=On September 30, 2023, Governor Gavin Newsom signed SB 553. Taking effect on July 1, 2024, SB 553 arose from a tragic 2021 workplace violence incident and will become the new Workplace Violence Prevention Plan standard. The new standard will be enforced by Cal/OSHA and will require California employers to have a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan to create a safer work environment for workers and patrons. In this webinar we reviewed the requirements and help you prepare for this change. Important note: There are steps you need to complete prior to July 1, 2024. Watch the recording now.}', 12='{type=number, value=1717632000000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our California Workplace Violence Prevention Plan Webinar}', 14='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Risk Management', order=7, label='Risk Management'}}'}, {id=169676499256, createdAt=1717687480459, updatedAt=1723228100857, 1='{type=string, value=California Workplace Violence Prevention Plan and Training Law}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=724,height=483,url='',altText='Facility Safety Checklist for Sailing Clubs & Sailing Organizations - Graphic ',fileId=109048603791}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=7, name='Report', order=5, label='Report'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=9, name='Violence and Active Assailant', order=8, label='Violence and Active Assailant'}]}', 12='{type=number, value=1717632000000}', 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During this webinar, we discussed the top safety concerns and how we keep everyone, and the property, safe for the duration of the project. }', 12='{type=number, value=1710892800000}', 13='{type=string, value=Register for our Construction Site Safety webinar}', 14='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Risk Management', order=7, label='Risk Management'}}'}, {id=91341465519, createdAt=1668189511442, updatedAt=1692730538955, 1='{type=string, value=Continuation Funds White Paper}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=620,height=460,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=14, name='Private Equity', order=22, label='Private Equity'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='Brochures', order=4, label='Brochures'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Private Equity Brochure}'}, {id=176790486669, createdAt=1724771825887, updatedAt=1728573575351, 1='{type=string, value=Contractor Management Webinar}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=8192,height=5464,url='',altText='GettyImages-1657566602',fileId=176804543634}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=Watch our webinar on managing the risks and considerations when contractors undertake work in commercial buildings. We explored crucial safety and compliance factors, the significance of certificate of insurance tracking, and invaluable insights into protecting your property and occupants during construction and renovation projects.}', 12='{type=number, value=1724716800000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our recording}', 14='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Risk Management', order=7, label='Risk Management'}}'}, BlogPost 83151894334 Courier Business Insurance: Real Life Courier Claims You Can Avoid, BlogPost 168084677378 Creating a Defensible Space Around High-Value Homes in Wildfire Zones, {id=182129883777, createdAt=1730295061549, updatedAt=1730295224045, 16='{type=option, value={id=1, name='Private Client Services Resource', order=0, label='Private Client Services Resource'}}', 1='{type=string, value=Creating Defensible Space and Hardening Your Home in Wildfire Zones}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Read}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=3966,height=2700,url='',altText='GettyImages-157384116-Ring of fire Bailey Colorado Rocky Mountain forest wildfire',fileId=182146372532}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=27, name='Private Client', order=20, label='Private Client'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 12='{type=number, value=1730246400000}', 13='{type=string, value=Read}'}, {id=170699772824, createdAt=1718729169240, updatedAt=1722259064788, 1='{type=string, value=Creating Defensible Space around High-Value Homes in Wildfire Zones}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Read}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=3936,height=2624,url='',altText='Wildfire RM',fileId=170677017679}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=12, name='Blog', order=10, label='Blog'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=10, name='Wildfire', order=9, label='Wildfire'}]}', 12='{type=number, value=1716508800000}', 13='{type=string, value=Read more about Creating Defensible Space around High-Value Homes in Wildfire Zones }'}, {id=158422468126, createdAt=1708969345528, updatedAt=1723227975578, 1='{type=string, value=Crisis Management Webinar}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=View }', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=5000,height=3750,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=
Watch our Crisis Management webinar. Learn effective pre-planning is a crucial element in any organization's Risk Management program. Whether it's conducting a Job Hazard Analysis or formulating an Emergency Action Plan, organizations invest a substantial amount of time and resources in addressing potential hazards and establishing protocols for emergencies. Surprisingly, what often gets overlooked are the actions to be taken in the aftermath of a crisis.
}', 12='{type=number, value=1708905600000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our Crisis Management Webinar}', 14='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Risk Management', order=7, label='Risk Management'}}'}, {id=89993611878, createdAt=1667243211897, updatedAt=1696603334333, 1='{type=string, value=Cyber - Private Equity's New Priority}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=450,height=297,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=14, name='Private Equity', order=22, label='Private Equity'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=4, name='Cybersecurity', order=1, label='Cybersecurity'}]}', 10='{type=number, value=2}', 11='{type=string, value=Private equity firms need to consider the cybersecurity of their firm and their portfolio as a top priority.}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Cyber - Private Equity's New Priority resource}'}, {id=91343562408, createdAt=1668191612042, updatedAt=1692284251497, 1='{type=string, value=Cyber Brochure}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=836,height=547,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='Brochures', order=4, label='Brochures'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Cyber Brochure}'}, {id=139056801917, createdAt=1696597446019, updatedAt=1696598723099, 1='{type=string, value=Cyber Hygiene: Checklist}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Read}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=450,height=297,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=8, name='Checklist', order=6, label='Checklist'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=4, name='Cybersecurity', order=1, label='Cybersecurity'}]}', 10='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=Before underwriting or renewing cyber coverage, insurers are taking a deep look at each organization’s cyber practices. To qualify for coverage — and particularly, if you want the best rates and terms — you need the following resources and procedures in place.}', 13='{type=string, value=Review our Cyber Hygiene Checklist}'}, {id=186906930757, createdAt=1741184823664, updatedAt=1741294606233, 16='{type=option, value={id=1, name='Private Client Services Resource', order=0, label='Private Client Services Resource'}}', 1='{type=string, value=Cyber Insurance: Comprehensive Guide to Rising Cyber Risks}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download our private client services guide}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=8650,height=4500,url='',altText='Internet cyber security concept. Digital shield firewall protection from viruses and malware. Shield icon holographic code. 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Register now to learn how to navigate the ever-changing cyber landscape. }', 12='{type=number, value=1737936000000}', 13='{type=string, value=Register for our upcoming Risk Management webinar on cyber risks and insurance}', 14='{type=option, value={id=9, name='Cyber', order=2, label='Cyber'}}'}, {id=185987073188, createdAt=1739202730328, updatedAt=1740081370334, 1='{type=string, value=Cyber Security & HIPAA: Why You Need Both to Be Compliant}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Explore our webinar}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=450,height=250,url='',altText='Dental Webinar Cyber',fileId=186041460588}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=29, name='Dental', order=8, label='Dental'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=Cyberattacks and data breaches are growing threats to dental practices, putting patient information and practice operations at risk. 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Join industry experts Herb Ford from Risk Strategies Dental Practice, Imani Barnes from Risk Strategies Cyber Risk Practice, and Kelly Koch from The Compliancy Group as they dive into the latest trends in cyber threats, the regulatory landscape, and practical solutions for dental practices.
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Enhance your cybersecurity knowledge and strengthen your business's defenses in an increasingly digital environment. Watch the recording here.}', 12='{type=number, value=1729814400000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch}', 14='{type=option, value={id=6, name='Hospitality', order=6, label='Hospitality'}}'}, BlogPost 109832141381 Cybersecurity Risks in the Hospitality Industry, BlogPost 184583441271 Top Cybersecurity Trends in 2025: Planning for Your Resilience, {id=183195564713, createdAt=1732564449685, updatedAt=1732570452723, 1='{type=string, value=Dental Practice Insurance Whitepaper}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Discover}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=400,height=270,url='',altText='2024-Dental-Practice-WhitePaper',fileId=183197541020}}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=Insuring Your New Dental Practice: Protecting Your Passion}', 12='{type=number, value=1732492800000}', 13='{type=string, value=Explore}'}, {id=155279979894, createdAt=1706818791484, updatedAt=1723227941372, 1='{type=string, value=Developments and Considerations in the Biosimilar Landscape}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=620,height=460,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=23, name='Consulting', order=7, label='Consulting'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 13='{type=string, value=Read our Developments and Considerations in the Biosimilar Landscape whitepaper}'}, {id=167304419691, createdAt=1715635408169, updatedAt=1723228053496, 1='{type=string, value=Disclosure, Transparency, and Fiduciary Responsibility in Healthcare White Paper}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=View }', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=620,height=460,url='',altText='Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Resource Feature Image',fileId=167405433165}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=23, name='Consulting', order=7, label='Consulting'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 12='{type=number, value=1715644800000}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Disclosure, Transparency, and Fiduciary Responsibility in Healthcare White Paper White Paper}'}, BlogPost 180067710592 DOJ’s Corporate Whistleblower Awards Pilot: Compliance & Risk Impacts, BlogPost 183185253726 DOL & IRS Grant Plan Relief Due to Recent Hurricanes, BlogPost 183601770350 DOL Clarifies FMLA Leave Can Be Used for Clinical Trial Treatment, BlogPost 185183168877 DOL Clarifies Intersection of FMLA and State PFML Leaves, BlogPost 179305145370 DOL Confirms Cybersecurity Guidance Applies to Health & Welfare Plans, BlogPost 153488950647 DOL ERISA Plan Penalties Increase for 2024, BlogPost 184884124556 DOL ERISA Plan Penalties Increase for 2025, BlogPost 183427373451 DOL Overtime Rule Struck Down Nationwide by Federal Court, BlogPost 83476772885 Don’t Take the Bait: How to Protect Against Phishing Scams, BlogPost 173707678769 Drone Insurance: Essential Coverage for the Entertainment Industry, {id=147972212508, createdAt=1701358974295, updatedAt=1701362715116, 1='{type=string, value=E-Bikes/Scooters and Lithium Ion Batteries}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=2121,height=1414,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=The use of lithium ion batteries has skyrocketed with electrical vehicles and toys. 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Watch the recorded webinar now!}', 12='{type=number, value=1699401600000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our E-Bikes/Scooters and Lithium Ion Batteries}', 14='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Risk Management', order=7, label='Risk Management'}}'}, {id=92224405835, createdAt=1668803425941, updatedAt=1701354004548, 1='{type=string, value=Earthquake Preparedness}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=856,height=584,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Emergency Preparedness', order=3, label='Emergency Preparedness'}, {id=5, name='Earthquake', order=2, label='Earthquake'}]}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Earthquake Preparedness resource}'}, {id=91341411747, createdAt=1668185126651, 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Experts covered early intervention, AI and OSHA litigation trends, and how to combat fraudulent claims. }', 12='{type=number, value=1738800000000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our webinar on Fighting Back: Transportation & Construction Liability Litigation Mitigation}', 14='{type=option, value={id=10, name='Transportation', order=8, label='Transportation'}}'}, BlogPost 163137230479 Final Rules Released For Fixed Indemnity Plans & Short-Term, Limited-Duration Insurance, {id=91341465609, createdAt=1668190419226, updatedAt=1673977710467, 1='{type=string, value=Fine Art Brochure}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=693,height=612,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=9, name='Fine Art', order=13, label='Fine Art'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='Brochures', order=4, label='Brochures'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Fine Art Brochure}'}, BlogPost 159418831481 Fire Safety: Handling Lithium-Ion Batteries in E-Bikes & E-Scooters, {id=164643208105, createdAt=1713296417758, updatedAt=1723228027746, 1='{type=string, value=Fleet Safety Management}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=4980,height=3514,url='',altText='Fleet - Used for Risk Management Webinar Invite (1)',fileId=164517235548}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=If you have a fleet and drivers, you are more than likely subject to DOT/FMCSA regulations. The transportation industry can be very challenging in keeping up with the current and new rulings with respect to regulations and processes.
Companies can find themselves getting lost in it all either by choice or by simply having a breakdown in their Safety Management Process. If this happens, then potential fines and increased administrative costs can drag the business down and negatively impact a business’s reputation. There is even a threat of the business being completely shut down.
Explore the significance of a robust safety process and how its breakdown can adversely affect your company's operations. Don't let regulatory challenges steer your business off course!
}', 12='{type=number, value=1713225600000}', 13='{type=string, value=Register for our Fleet Safety Management webinar}', 14='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Risk Management', order=7, label='Risk Management'}}'}, BlogPost 173865845591 Foundational Issues Facing the Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) Industry, BlogPost 155692854186 Fractional Aircraft Owners and Private Jet Club Member Insurance Tips, BlogPost 165539273266 Freight Broker Bond Market: Hard and Uncertain Times in 2024, {id=184127467036, createdAt=1734714140832, updatedAt=1736804553880, 16='{type=option, value={id=1, name='Private Client Services Resource', order=0, label='Private Client Services Resource'}}', 1='{type=string, value=Frozen Pipe Best Practices}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=3258,height=2172,url='',altText='Close-up of drain pipe leaking water',fileId=184134447896}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=10, name='Guidelines', order=8, label='Guidelines'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=11, name='Winter Storm', order=10, label='Winter Storm'}]}'}, {id=89668840516, createdAt=1666876939359, updatedAt=1736278568464, 1='{type=string, value=Frozen Pipe Prevention}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=356,height=244,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Frozen Pipes resource}'}, BlogPost 169304206171 Gene Therapy & How Large Claims Are Impacting Student Health Insurance, {id=158406215813, createdAt=1708961472363, updatedAt=1723227967764, 1='{type=string, value=General Freight}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=View}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=620,height=460,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=17, name='Relocation', order=24, label='Relocation'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='Brochures', order=4, label='Brochures'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 13='{type=string, value=Read our General Freight manual}'}, BlogPost 151333088313 Get Ahead of Employee Benefits Open Enrollment Challenges Now, BlogPost 173117729569 Group Health Plan Gag Clause Attestation 2024 Submission Reference Guide, {id=91341464895, createdAt=1668185248313, updatedAt=1673977641328, 1='{type=string, value=Guide to Captives}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=304,height=197,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='Brochures', order=4, label='Brochures'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Guide to Captives resource}'}, {id=91359540622, createdAt=1668204171742, updatedAt=1701353996885, 1='{type=string, value=Hail Preparedness}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=850,height=574,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Emergency Preparedness', order=3, label='Emergency Preparedness'}, {id=8, name='Severe Storms', order=7, label='Severe Storms'}]}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Hail Preparedness resource}'}, BlogPost 157880326291 Harnessing Data Science in Healthcare with Stuart Piltch, {id=186073051515, createdAt=1739380834001, updatedAt=1742560693641, 1='{type=string, value=Hazard Communication and Hazardous Materials Webinar}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch our webinar }', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=7008,height=4672,url='',altText='GettyImages-2152441101',fileId=186077873679}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=Watch our webinar on Hazard Communication and Hazardous Materials in the workplace. We explore the safe use of chemicals, simplify the process of reading Safety Data Sheets (SDS) to equip you with an awareness of OSHA requirements. Additionally, we discuss proper disposal methods, best practices for safe storage, and the crucial limits for storing chemicals. Watch the recording now to enhance your understanding and create a safer work environment!}', 12='{type=number, value=1739318400000}', 13='{type=string, value=Register for our upcoming webinar on Hazard Communication and Hazardous Materials}', 14='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Risk Management', order=7, label='Risk Management'}}'}, BlogPost 168210827590 HCM Systems: How to Move Yours from Fragmented to Optimized, BlogPost 166839920258 Health & Welfare Plan Compliance Reminder: Form 5500 Deadline, BlogPost 122056335947 Health & Welfare Plan Compliance Reminder: Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) Rebates, BlogPost 168058454140 Health & Welfare Plan Compliance Reminder: PCORI Fee Filing Deadline, BlogPost 186302370574 Health Plan Compliance Areas to Watch in Early 2025, {id=91341465524, createdAt=1668190095417, updatedAt=1720794570555, 1='{type=string, value=Healthcare Brochure}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=259,height=227,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=10, name='Healthcare', order=15, label='Healthcare'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='Brochures', order=4, label='Brochures'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Healthcare Brochure}'}, BlogPost 186436551861 Helping Women Prioritize the Importance of Heart Health Care, BlogPost 176036230411 HHS Increases Penalties for 2024, BlogPost 166214545277 HHS Releases Health Care Nondiscrimination Final Rule, BlogPost 167044830299 HIPAA Final Rule Strengthening Reproductive Health Care Privacy, BlogPost 177953369513 Changes to Federal Estate & Gift Tax Exemptions May Impact Wealth Transfer, BlogPost 185558857276 How Deregulation Could Affect Your Financial Services Business, BlogPost 183187275922 How Lithium-Ion Battery Hazards Are Changing Yacht Insurance, BlogPost 177981671977 How the Fragmentation of Healthcare Impacts Claim Payment Integrity, {id=167611295102, createdAt=1715870214279, updatedAt=1723228058375, 1='{type=string, value=How to Develop a Safety Committee}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=5500,height=3667,url='',altText='GettyImages-935639834',fileId=167612759211}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=Enhance your Safety Committee's effectiveness! Elevate safety standards and problem-solving skills. Watch our webinar recording now.}', 12='{type=number, value=1715817600000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our How to Develop a Safety Committee webinar }', 14='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Risk Management', order=7, label='Risk Management'}}'}, BlogPost 83119971994 How to Hire the Best Courier & Same Day Delivery Drivers : Part I , BlogPost 81786194561 How to Hire the Best Courier & Same Day Delivery Drivers - Part II, BlogPost 91080822443 How to Hire the Best Courier & Same Day Delivery Drivers - Part III, BlogPost 178069753684 How to Improve Your CSA Score & Lower Insurance Costs, {id=111453566083, createdAt=1681768263721, updatedAt=1701354051814, 1='{type=string, value=How to Marina and Boatyard Fires: Safety tips}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Read }', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=723,height=484,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=12, name='Blog', order=10, label='Blog'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=12, name='Yacht Club Safety', order=11, label='Yacht Club Safety'}]}', 13='{type=string, value=Read our How to Marina and Boatyard Fires: Safety tips Blog}'}, BlogPost 154931033264 How Will States with Pay Transparency Laws Affect You?, {id=147968170571, createdAt=1701356358751, updatedAt=1701362521436, 1='{type=string, value=How Your Experience Modification Rating (EMR) Impacts Your Business}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=8660,height=5773,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=Discover how your Experience Modification Rating (EMR) impacts worker compensation premiums and contractor prequalification's. Explore proactive control methods for lowering EMRs and achieving minimum thresholds. Maximize cost savings for your organization. Watch the recording now!}', 12='{type=number, value=1695168000000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our How Your Experience Modification Rating (EMR) Impacts Your Business Webinar}', 14='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Risk Management', order=7, label='Risk Management'}}'}, {id=109048146705, createdAt=1680280399896, updatedAt=1680702369846, 1='{type=string, value=Hurricane Activation Plan Template}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=724,height=483,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=21, name='Marine Business', order=18, label='Marine Business'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=9, name='Response Plan', order=7, label='Response Plan'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='Hurricane', order=5, label='Hurricane'}, {id=12, name='Yacht Club Safety', order=11, label='Yacht Club Safety'}]}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Hurricane Activation Plan Template }'}, {id=89677935746, createdAt=1666880022109, updatedAt=1718981529559, 16='{type=option, value={id=1, name='Private Client Services Resource', order=0, label='Private Client Services Resource'}}', 1='{type=string, value=Hurricane Preparation & Recovery Guide for Homeowners}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=441,height=341,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}, {id=27, name='Private Client', order=20, label='Private Client'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Emergency Preparedness', order=3, label='Emergency Preparedness'}, {id=2, name='Hurricane', order=5, label='Hurricane'}, {id=8, name='Severe Storms', order=7, label='Severe Storms'}]}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Hurricane Preparedness Checklist Residential resource}'}, {id=89667803792, createdAt=1666880530159, updatedAt=1701353795108, 1='{type=string, value=Hurricane Preparedness Guide}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=709,height=488,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Emergency Preparedness', order=3, label='Emergency Preparedness'}, {id=2, name='Hurricane', order=5, label='Hurricane'}, {id=8, name='Severe Storms', order=7, label='Severe Storms'}]}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Hurricane Preparedness Guide}'}, {id=145809824783, createdAt=1700164716980, updatedAt=1711741830772, 1='{type=string, value=Hurricane Season Preparedness}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=450,height=307,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=The 2022 hurricane season, delayed but devastating, featured Hurricane Ian, which disrupted the insurance market. Our webinar delved into the season, Hurricane Ian, and its impact on insurance markets in Florida and the U.S., with insights from Risk Strategies and One80 Intermediaries. Watch the recording for more details!}', 12='{type=number, value=1684281600000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our 2023 Hurricane Season Preparation Webinar}', 14='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Risk Management', order=7, label='Risk Management'}}'}, {id=174094828870, createdAt=1722016580970, updatedAt=1723228167790, 1='{type=string, value=Hurricane Season Preparedness & Recovery Guide for Sailing Organizations}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=4032,height=3024,url='',altText='PCS Clients - Yacht Damage',fileId=174116184155}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=20, name='Boat & Yacht', order=2, label='Boat & Yacht'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=10, name='Guidelines', order=8, label='Guidelines'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='Hurricane', order=5, label='Hurricane'}, {id=12, name='Yacht Club Safety', order=11, label='Yacht Club Safety'}]}', 13='{type=string, value=Download the Hurricane Season Preparedness & Recovery Guide for Sailing Organizations guidelines}'}, {id=118389880241, createdAt=1685644654442, updatedAt=1729787119525, 1='{type=string, value=Hurricane Season Preparedness (2023)}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=364,height=246,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=11, name='Manual', order=9, label='Manual'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 13='{type=string, value=Read our 2023 Hurricane Season Preparedness Guide}'}, {id=89685115149, createdAt=1666882211049, updatedAt=1701379542156, 16='{type=option, value={id=1, name='Private Client Services Resource', order=0, label='Private Client Services Resource'}}', 1='{type=string, value=Ice Dam Prevention}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download }', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=425,height=264,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}, {id=27, name='Private Client', order=20, label='Private Client'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Emergency Preparedness', order=3, label='Emergency Preparedness'}, {id=11, name='Winter Storm', order=10, label='Winter Storm'}]}', 12='{type=number, value=1700006400000}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Ice Dam Prevention resource}'}, {id=168123572637, createdAt=1716473372423, updatedAt=1739466161133, 1='{type=string, value=In the Fight Against Chronic Disease, Sleep is the Hidden Gap in Care White Paper}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=620,height=460,url='',altText='Sleep Care - 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Why You Need Commercial Umbrella Insurance, BlogPost 170333249066 Latest Supreme Court Decision Preserves Access to Mifepristone, {id=91341465522, createdAt=1668189896388, updatedAt=1696962867817, 1='{type=string, value=Law Firms Brochure}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=304,height=199,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=11, name='Law Firm', order=17, label='Law Firm'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='Brochures', order=4, label='Brochures'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Law Firms Brochure}'}, BlogPost 181638237247 Liquor Liability Insurance: Mitigating Your Risks, BlogPost 185725856004 Lower Workers’ Comp Insurance Costs: 5 Tips for Restaurants, BlogPost 182145741195 Maine PFML Contributions Begin in 2025: Employer Next Steps, {id=161717903201, createdAt=1711115953939, updatedAt=1723228009533, 1='{type=string, value=Making Safety Simple: Minimizing Risks and Reducing Workers' Comp Costs}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Register}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=7360,height=4912,url='',altText='GettyImages-1161610414',fileId=161728863382}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=28, name='Hospitality', order=16, label='Hospitality'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=Watch our webinar that took place on April 30th at 1:00 PM EST. Our team focused on the four pillars: food safety, operational safety, employee safety, and customer safety. Additionally, focused on the connection between safety and workers' comp. Watch the recording now.
}', 12='{type=number, value=1714435200000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our Making Safety Simple: Minimizing Risks and Reducing Workers' Comp Costs webinar}', 14='{type=option, value={id=6, name='Hospitality', order=6, label='Hospitality'}}'}, {id=157843709233, createdAt=1708530384751, updatedAt=1723227963542, 1='{type=string, value=Management and Cyber Liability Q1 2024 Market Outlook}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=View}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=722,height=722,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=14, name='Private Equity', order=22, label='Private Equity'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=7, name='Report', order=5, label='Report'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 13='{type=string, value=Read our Management and Cyber Liability Q1 2024 Market Outlook report}'}, {id=91343562416, createdAt=1668192791791, updatedAt=1673977759504, 1='{type=string, value=Management Liability Brochure}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, 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7='{type=list, value=[{id=10, name='Guidelines', order=8, label='Guidelines'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=Understanding Medicare Part A, B, C & D}', 12='{type=number, value=1727308800000}', 13='{type=string, value=Learn more}'}, {id=179584731928, createdAt=1727383710655, updatedAt=1727383863630, 1='{type=string, value=Medicare Fraud}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Learn more}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=450,height=250,url='',altText='Medicare Fraud',fileId=179576797994}}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=10, name='Guidelines', order=8, label='Guidelines'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=There are several ways you can prevent Medicare fraud.}', 12='{type=number, value=1727308800000}', 13='{type=string, value=Learn more}'}, {id=179584731936, createdAt=1727383867288, updatedAt=1727384050494, 1='{type=string, value=Medicare Open Enrollment}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Learn more}', 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With the increase in frequency and severity of natural catastrophe events, we all have to ask ourselves if we are truly prepared for anything. Watch our webinar to learn ways you and your business can prepare so when disaster strikes, you're already ahead of the game.}', 13='{type=string, value=Register for our Natural Catastrophe Preparedness webinar}', 14='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Risk Management', order=7, label='Risk Management'}}'}, {id=89677935780, createdAt=1666880764175, updatedAt=1701353916290, 1='{type=string, value=Natural Disaster Preparedness Kit}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=759,height=458,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Emergency Preparedness', order=3, label='Emergency Preparedness'}, {id=2, name='Hurricane', order=5, label='Hurricane'}]}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Natural Disaster Preparedness Kit}'}, BlogPost 165619189538 Navigating the Complex, Ever-Changing Yacht & Boat Insurance Market, BlogPost 149978862103 New Chicago Paid Sick & Paid Leave Ordinance Delayed Six Months, BlogPost 146634048425 New Chicago Paid Sick Leave & Paid Leave Ordinance for 2024, BlogPost 187227523877 New Gag Clause Prohibition Attestation Guidance | Risk Strategies, BlogPost 158167201123 New Group Health Plan Fiduciary Lawsuit Draws Attention, BlogPost 156018861429 New Guidance for Health Plan Cost-Sharing Tool, BlogPost 183235351408 New Jersey Disability and Family Leave Insurance Rate Increases for 2025, BlogPost 151772802912 New Paid Leave Ordinance in Effect for Cook County, Illinois, BlogPost 179533972518 New Required Notice in 2025 for Fixed Indemnity Plans, BlogPost 164277440109 Risk Strategies Consulting, New Healthcare White Papers on the Horizon, BlogPost 183734946745 New York Paid Prenatal Leave Starts January 1, 2025, BlogPost 168270657162 New York Passes Landmark Paid Prenatal Care Leave for 2025 & Paid Lactation Breaks Coming Sooner, BlogPost 178066380654 New York Releases Paid Family Leave Rates for 2025, BlogPost 180929323297 Nursing Shortage 2024: Impact of the Visa Freeze on Foreign Nurses, {id=145811296072, createdAt=1700164716695, updatedAt=1703172201886, 1='{type=string, value=OSHA 300 Log and Inspections}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=724,height=483,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=Discover OSHA 300 logs and their importance in our past webinar. We explained how to navigate, complete, and submit these logs on OSHA's platform to stay compliant. Watch the recording to learn more and prepare for OSHA inspections.}', 12='{type=number, value=1674000000000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our OSHA 300 Log & Inspections Webinar}', 14='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Risk Management', order=7, label='Risk Management'}}'}, {id=180702269978, createdAt=1728577107636, updatedAt=1731612994525, 1='{type=string, value=OSHA Job Hazard Analysis}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=7952,height=5304,url='',altText='GettyImages-1257464522 (1)',fileId=182816261136}}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=Please watch our webinar where we explore the importance of Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) in ensuring workplace safety. Learn how conducting JHAs not only satisfies our obligations as employers under OSHA’s General Duty Clause but more importantly identifies and helps us mitigates hazards to provide a safe and healthy work environment for our employees. Watch the recording here!}', 12='{type=number, value=1731542400000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch}', 14='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Risk Management', order=7, label='Risk Management'}}'}, BlogPost 175042649496 OSHA Top 10 Violations 2023: Frequently Cited Standards , BlogPost 184134495584 Paid Sick Leave Coming to Alaska in 2025: What Employers Need to Know, BlogPost 183769882296 Paid Sick Leave Coming to Missouri in 2025: What Employers Need to Know, BlogPost 184379689354 Paid Sick Leave Coming to Nebraska Later in 2025: What Employers Need to Know, {id=89677935683, createdAt=1666878852166, updatedAt=1701353875541, 1='{type=string, value=Pandemic Property and Casualty Tips}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=423,height=319,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Emergency Preparedness', order=3, label='Emergency Preparedness'}, {id=7, name='Pandemic', order=6, label='Pandemic'}]}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Pandemic Property and Casualty Tips resource}'}, BlogPost 149476592432 PBM Market Dynamics: Stuart Piltch's Call to Stay Calm and Informed, BlogPost 183477926664 PCORI Fee Amount Increase for 2025, BlogPost 154362214750 Peeling Back the Layers of Your Pharmacy Benefit Plan Design, {id=159565397101, createdAt=1709672113591, updatedAt=1723227989877, 1='{type=string, value=Peer Review In Design: Pluses & Perils}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=7360,height=4912,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Architects & Engineers', order=0, label='Architects & Engineers'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=A proposal is a design firm’s chance to stand out, impress the client, and win the work. This program delve into the potential hazards associated with using "sales" language in proposals and how generic "boilerplate" proposals create risk. Additionally, it delve into effective strategies to craft winning proposals that not only impress, but also safeguard the design firm’s interests. Watch the recording now!}', 12='{type=number, value=1709596800000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our Peer Review In Design: Pluses & Perils webinar}', 14='{type=option, value={id=4, name='Architect & Engineers', order=0, label='Architect & Engineers'}}'}, BlogPost 167509421076 Design Peer Review: Pluses and Perils, BlogPost 160919954760 Personal Health & Wellness Expenses Cannot Be Reimbursed From FSA/HRA/HSA, BlogPost 172420100511 PFAS Liability: How the Latest EPA Ruling Affects Your Business , {id=89677935702, createdAt=1666879158324, updatedAt=1701353895078, 1='{type=string, value=Planned Power Shut-offs for Businesses}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=446,height=294,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Emergency Preparedness', order=3, label='Emergency Preparedness'}]}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Planned Power Shut-offs for Businesses resource}'}, {id=89677935727, createdAt=1666879158324, updatedAt=1701353901144, 1='{type=string, value=Planned Power Shut-offs for Homes}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=705,height=432,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Emergency Preparedness', order=3, label='Emergency Preparedness'}]}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Planned Power Shut-offs for Homes resource}'}, {id=165173677745, createdAt=1713800174061, updatedAt=1723228040670, 1='{type=string, value=Political Violence Insurance for Fine Art}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=View}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=626,height=822,url='',altText='Fine Art - Cover (1)',fileId=162437385611}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=9, name='Fine Art', order=13, label='Fine Art'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=10, name='Guidelines', order=8, label='Guidelines'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=Conflicts, tensions, and elections around the globe are sparking concerns among museums, galleries, and art collectors. Could civil unrest endanger art in transit or on display? If yes, how can the fine art community protect against these risks? Here’s an information guide to consider when formulating your risk management strategy.}', 12='{type=number, value=1713744000000}', 13='{type=string, value=Register to read our helpful Political Violence Insurance for Fine Art guide}'}, {id=120216612772, createdAt=1686766301629, updatedAt=1686766704783, 1='{type=string, value=Portable Fire Extinguishers – Safety Report}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Read}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=5315,height=3544,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=7, name='Report', order=5, label='Report'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=12, name='Yacht Club Safety', order=11, label='Yacht Club Safety'}]}', 13='{type=string, value=Read our Portable Fire Extinguishers – Safety Report}'}, {id=182843489125, createdAt=1731689776598, updatedAt=1731691039302, 1='{type=string, value=Post-Crowdstrike: Takeaways and Learning Lessons}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=450,height=299,url='',altText='Cybersecurity-Networked',fileId=81781370219}}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=Risk Strategies National Cyber & Technology product leader, Allen Blount, and Commercial Lines Leader, Randy Raymond, drove a discussion on the lessons learned from the CrowdStrike outage and the importance of cyber liability coverage.}', 12='{type=number, value=1731628800000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch}', 14='{type=option, value={id=9, name='Cyber', order=2, label='Cyber'}}'}, {id=130804661616, createdAt=1692386823627, updatedAt=1692731764683, 1='{type=string, value=Post-Hurricane Checklist}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Read}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=450,height=294,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=8, name='Checklist', order=6, label='Checklist'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Emergency Preparedness', order=3, label='Emergency Preparedness'}, {id=2, name='Hurricane', order=5, label='Hurricane'}]}', 13='{type=string, value=Review our post-hurricane checklist}'}, BlogPost 170435522569 Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) Final Rule Highlights, {id=169676499271, createdAt=1717687665969, updatedAt=1723228106956, 1='{type=string, value=Preparing for California's Workplace Violence Prevention Law}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=4841,height=3633,url='',altText='Transpo - 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Amber Krogman of Risk Strategies spoke with Matthew Carpenter from AmWins Insurance Brokerage and Kim Daniels from RQA, Inc. to dissect the ins and outs of product recall and contamination insurance policies, and how to prepare for recalls and mitigate the impact to your company.}', 12='{type=number, value=1711065600000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our Product Recall Strategies for the Food & Beverage Industry webinar}', 14='{type=option, value={id=6, name='Hospitality', order=6, label='Hospitality'}}'}, BlogPost 185205214810 Progressive Design Build: Improving and Expediting Project Outcomes, {id=91343562536, createdAt=1668193029208, updatedAt=1673977764913, 1='{type=string, value=Property Brochure}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=259,height=216,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='Brochures', order=4, label='Brochures'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 13='{type=string, value=Download 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Francisco HCSO Upcoming Reporting Deadline, BlogPost 184242354085 Reporting Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage on 2024 Form W-2, BlogPost 152636953926 Reporting Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage on Form W-2, {id=160464738155, createdAt=1710271232807, updatedAt=1723227998175, 1='{type=string, value=Reproductive Health White Paper}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=620,height=460,url='',altText='Consulting Cover - 3-12-2024',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=23, name='Consulting', order=7, label='Consulting'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 12='{type=number, value=1710201600000}', 13='{type=string, value=Read our Reproductive Health White Paper}'}, BlogPost 154771198747 Rethinking Women's Health in 2024: Insights from Stuart Piltch, {id=145811296074, createdAt=1700164717810, updatedAt=1701204293609, 1='{type=string, value=Return to Work 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Watch the recording to discover the benefits of such policies.}', 12='{type=number, value=1681257600000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our Return to Work Webinar}', 14='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Risk Management', order=7, label='Risk Management'}}'}, {id=89667803787, createdAt=1666880384418, updatedAt=1701353787797, 1='{type=string, value=Riot Protection}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=522,height=345,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Emergency Preparedness', order=3, label='Emergency Preparedness'}, {id=3, name='Civil Unrest', order=0, label='Civil Unrest'}]}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Riot Protection resource}'}, BlogPost 152489910328 Ripple Effect: The Prolonged Impact of Water Damage in the Home, {id=106642697236, createdAt=1678905674485, updatedAt=1680872875594, 1='{type=string, value=Risk Report: Safe Propane Usage & Storage }', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=711,height=469,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=21, name='Marine Business', order=18, label='Marine Business'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=7, name='Report', order=5, label='Report'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=12, name='Yacht Club Safety', order=11, label='Yacht Club Safety'}]}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Safety and Prevention Insights }'}, {id=154148337211, createdAt=1706105991922, updatedAt=1723227933750, 1='{type=string, value=Risk Strategies Consulting Public Forum}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=310,height=310,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=23, name='Consulting', order=7, label='Consulting'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our Risk Strategies Consulting Public Forum webinar}', 14='{type=option, value={id=3, name='Consulting', order=1, label='Consulting'}}'}, BlogPost 160463936638 Risk Strategies Consulting – What Makes Us Who We Are?, {id=116949260139, createdAt=1684944613239, updatedAt=1684945028097, 1='{type=string, value=Risk Strategies Consulting: Observations from 2018 Medicare Experience}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=317,height=226,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=7, name='Report', order=5, label='Report'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 13='{type=string, value=Read our Observations from 2018 Medicare Experience Report}'}, {id=150799590979, createdAt=1703168990144, updatedAt=1703171176946, 1='{type=string, value=Safety Psychology }', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=5500,height=3667,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=Safety is fundamentally about people, including those we work with and their families. OSHA Regulations, evolving since 1970, adapt to changing workplaces. Despite measures like programs and protective gear, injuries persist. Safety Psychology goes beyond physical measures, delving into how human actions affect organizational safety. Watch the recording to uncover overlooked crucial elements.
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These devices help empower employers and owners to reduce their risks through early notifications of a potential issue. This webinar will review some of these devices and their pros and cons.}', 12='{type=number, value=1733961600000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch}', 14='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Risk Management', order=7, label='Risk Management'}}'}, BlogPost 165814871717 Social Media Posts Can Affect Your Insurance Rates , {id=167758698370, createdAt=1715973068727, updatedAt=1723228065903, 1='{type=string, value=Special Events - Safety Tips & Liability }', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=5336,height=4008,url='',altText='GettyImages-176012237',fileId=167757365642}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=20, name='Boat & Yacht', order=2, label='Boat & Yacht'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=10, name='Guidelines', order=8, label='Guidelines'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=12, name='Yacht Club Safety', order=11, label='Yacht Club Safety'}]}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Special Events - Safety Tips & Liability Guide}'}, {id=184946682756, createdAt=1736890793303, updatedAt=1736891275863, 1='{type=string, value=State of the Hired & Non-Owned Auto Liability Market in 2025 }', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=777,height=546,url='',altText='State of the Hired & Non-Owned Auto Liability Market in 2025',fileId=184947688616}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=18, name='Transportation', order=26, label='Transportation'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=One of the questions we have been recently asked by clients is “What will happen with the hired and non-owned auto liability rates? Download our whitepaper.}', 12='{type=number, value=1736812800000}', 13='{type=string, value=Download}'}, {id=82365148985, createdAt=1660843134489, updatedAt=1730483252959, 1='{type=string, value=State of the Market}', 3='{type=string, value=/state-of-the-insurance-market-report-2025-initial-outlook-2024-wrap-up}', 4='{type=string, value=Read}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=304,height=199,url='',altText='State of the Insurance Market Report',fileId=180501708189}}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=7, name='Report', order=5, label='Report'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=0}', 11='{type=string, value=We invite you to explore our 2025 Initial Outlook and 2024 Wrap-Up,}', 13='{type=string, value=Explorer our State of the Market Report}'}, {id=91221712203, createdAt=1668101872307, updatedAt=1698091997141, 1='{type=string, value=State of the Market 2022 Outlook}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=View}', 5='{type=image, 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Check it out to gain valuable insights into these areas.}', 12='{type=number, value=1677024000000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our The Process for Automobile, Property, & General Liability Claims Webinar}', 14='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Risk Management', order=7, label='Risk Management'}}'}, BlogPost 168065961239 The Rise of Direct to Employer Healthcare Relationships, BlogPost 185298482611 The Starting Point for Building a Balanced Employee Benefits Strategy, {id=81108095803, createdAt=1659631364387, updatedAt=1685646322545, 1='{type=string, value=The Top Five Risk Management Challenges for Nonprofits}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=620,height=460,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=13, name='Nonprofit & Human Services', order=19, label='Nonprofit & Human Services'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=0}', 13='{type=string, value=Download The Top Five Risk Management Challenges for Nonprofits}'}, BlogPost 163174089476 Discovering the Underlying Opportunity in Healthcare Point Solutions, BlogPost 178546165400 5 Steps That Drive Positive Wellness Program Health Outcomes, {id=145809824789, createdAt=1700164867557, updatedAt=1711741185685, 1='{type=string, value=Tips from the Trenches: Change Management }', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=6490,height=4327,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='Education', order=9, label='Education'}, {id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=In the "Change Management: A Risk Manager's Role in Sustaining Operational Efficiency" interview series, we explored common organizational barriers to change, identified critical success factors for change adoption, understood that people resist control more than change, and learned about Newmawashi, a Japanese approach for obtaining quick agreement on change.}', 12='{type=number, value=1692144000000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our Change Management: A Risk Manager's Role in Sustaining Operational Efficiency Webinar}', 14='{type=option, value={id=1, name='Education', order=4, label='Education'}}'}, {id=145811296084, createdAt=1700164893094, updatedAt=1701204291128, 1='{type=string, value=Tips from the Trenches: Cyber Renewal}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=466,height=422,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='Education', order=9, label='Education'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=The cyber marketplace is undergoing a period of unprecedented change. Colleges and universities are particularly being impacted due to historical claims experience. Watch Steve Bryant and Rob as they discuss the importance of being proactive and implementing best-in-class controls to differentiate yourself in this market and control your total cost of risk.}', 12='{type=number, value=1696291200000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our Tips from the Trenches: Cyber Renewal Webinar}', 14='{type=option, value={id=1, name='Education', order=4, label='Education'}}'}, {id=149634940031, createdAt=1702416773541, updatedAt=1703265710543, 1='{type=string, value=Tips from the Trenches: Disaster Recovery Part 1}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=5120,height=3413,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='Education', order=9, label='Education'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=Dive into the insightful world of Higher Education risk management with Steve Bryant's "Tips from the Trenches" interview series. In Part One, Steve engages in thought-provoking discussions with subject matter experts, unraveling the complexities of risks in Higher Education. Watch the recorded webinar now!}', 12='{type=number, value=1695686400000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our Tips from the Trenches: Disaster Recovery, Part One}', 14='{type=option, value={id=1, name='Education', order=4, label='Education'}}'}, {id=150799590956, createdAt=1703168049977, updatedAt=1703265713368, 1='{type=string, value=Tips from the Trenches: Disaster Recovery Part 2}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=1600,height=1200,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='Education', order=9, label='Education'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=Elevate your disaster recovery strategy. Watch part two, Tips from the Trenches, an exclusive interview series featuring Steve Bryant and Tres Hurst. Discover key insights on building strong relationships between institutions and their disaster recovery partners. Watch the recording now!}', 12='{type=number, value=1696896000000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our Tips from the Trenches }', 14='{type=option, value={id=1, name='Education', order=4, label='Education'}}'}, {id=150799591024, createdAt=1703171256414, updatedAt=1703171460430, 1='{type=string, value=Tips from the Trenches: Disaster Recovery Part 3}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=850,height=567,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='Education', order=9, label='Education'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=Dive into the aftermath of catastrophe on a university campus in the concluding episode of our Disaster Recovery interview series. Join Steve Bryant and subject matter expert Tres Hurt as they share insights and strategies. Watch the recording now!}', 12='{type=number, value=1700438400000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our Tip from the Trenches}', 14='{type=option, value={id=1, name='Education', order=4, label='Education'}}'}, {id=170415599952, createdAt=1718383256486, updatedAt=1740429132571, 1='{type=string, value=Top 10 OSHA Citations Webinar}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=4500,height=2531,url='',altText='GettyImages-1446902902 (1)',fileId=172765619045}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=Every year OSHA releases its most cited regulations in both General Industry and Construction and then there is the top 10 list that is a combination of both. Please watch our recording as we dive into the top 10 most frequently cited standards to gain a better understanding of how to prevent those hazards from popping up at your construction project or facility.}', 12='{type=number, value=1718323200000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our Top 10 OSHA Citations Webinar Webinar }', 14='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Risk Management', order=7, label='Risk Management'}}'}, BlogPost 182455827066 Top 3 Mistakes When Searching for a Commercial Auto Insurance Policy, BlogPost 170413618351 Transparent Financial Disclosure | Risk Strategies Consulting , {id=91341465490, createdAt=1668188464007, updatedAt=1697805544013, 1='{type=string, value=Transportation Brochure}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=304,height=199,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=18, name='Transportation', order=26, label='Transportation'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='Brochures', 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We reviewed the causes of fires, prevention measures, and recovery steps. Watch the recording to protect your vessel and community.}', 12='{type=number, value=1678838400000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our When Water Isn't Enough Webinar}', 14='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Risk Management', order=7, label='Risk Management'}}'}, BlogPost 176681526641 Why Helping Employees Attain Balance is Key to Mental Health Support, BlogPost 184930312008 Why Personal Disability Insurance for Dentists is an Important Policy, {id=147969811283, createdAt=1701357252063, updatedAt=1701362656166, 1='{type=string, value=Wildfire Mitigation and Prevention}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=450,height=302,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=Wildfires have become more frequent and severe over the last several years causing billions of dollars of damage and destroying communities. Discover steps that can be taken to make properties more resilient and what you can do to be prepared should a wildfire come your way. Watch the recorded webinar for valuable insights!}', 12='{type=number, value=1698192000000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our Wildfire Mitigation and Prevention Webinar}', 14='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Risk Management', order=7, label='Risk Management'}}'}, {id=89677935781, createdAt=1666880873845, updatedAt=1718729375250, 16='{type=option, value={id=1, name='Private Client Services Resource', order=0, label='Private Client Services Resource'}}', 1='{type=string, value=Wildfire Safety & Evacuation Action Guidelines}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=450,height=300,url='',altText='Wildfire-neighborhood-evac',fileId=83482492544}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}, {id=27, name='Private Client', order=20, label='Private Client'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Emergency Preparedness', order=3, label='Emergency Preparedness'}, {id=10, name='Wildfire', order=9, label='Wildfire'}]}', 12='{type=number, value=1701216000000}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Wildfire Action Checklist}'}, {id=143568696719, createdAt=1698934137842, updatedAt=1701378849282, 16='{type=option, value={id=1, name='Private Client Services Resource', order=0, label='Private Client Services Resource'}}', 1='{type=string, value=Wildfire Safety for Your Livestock and Pets}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Read}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=1080,height=566,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=27, name='Private Client', order=20, label='Private Client'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='Brochures', order=4, label='Brochures'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=10, name='Wildfire', order=9, label='Wildfire'}]}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Wildfire Safety for Your Livestock and Pets Checklist}'}, {id=89584626302, createdAt=1666819114874, updatedAt=1734716213047, 1='{type=string, value=Winter Freeze Protection for Businesses}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=415,height=264,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Emergency Preparedness', order=3, label='Emergency Preparedness'}, {id=11, name='Winter Storm', order=10, label='Winter Storm'}]}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Business Winter Freeze Protection resource}'}, {id=146491240568, createdAt=1700598054076, updatedAt=1701379567512, 16='{type=option, value={id=1, name='Private Client Services Resource', order=0, label='Private Client Services Resource'}}', 1='{type=string, value=Winter Freeze-Up Prevention for Homeowners}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Read}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=5070,height=3382,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}, {id=27, name='Private Client', order=20, label='Private Client'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=6, name='Brochures', order=4, label='Brochures'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=11, name='Winter Storm', order=10, label='Winter Storm'}]}', 12='{type=number, value=1700524800000}', 13='{type=string, value=Read our Winter Freeze Prevention for Homeowners}'}, {id=145809824785, createdAt=1700164717405, updatedAt=1716928079666, 1='{type=string, value=Winter Weather Preparation }', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=3333,height=2200,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=This webinar provided valuable insights into mastering preparations and responses for winter weather. Be equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate through the challenges brought by cold weather. Watch the recording now!
}', 12='{type=number, value=1670976000000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our Winter Weather Preparation Webinar}', 14='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Risk Management', order=7, label='Risk Management'}}'}, {id=153941510240, createdAt=1705974225264, updatedAt=1706021283971, 1='{type=string, value=Women’s Health Challenges, Conditions, and Care Approaches}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=620,height=460,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=23, name='Consulting', order=7, label='Consulting'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='Whitepaper', order=2, label='Whitepaper'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Women’s Health Challenges, Conditions, and Care Approaches White Paper}'}, BlogPost 156674497371 Workers’ Comp Insurance Considerations for Remote Workers, BlogPost 179448799060 Anticipating 2025: Navigating Workers' Compensation Costs and Trends, BlogPost 112013351954 Workers’ Comp Insurance: 8 Ways to Trim Costs, {id=185432580198, createdAt=1738012134500, updatedAt=1738878051053, 1='{type=string, value=Workers’ Compensation: Reducing Expenses in Hospitality}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch our webinar on Workers’ Compensation: Reducing Expenses in Hospitality}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=5800,height=4350,url='',altText='GettyImages-138030614',fileId=185432655923}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=28, name='Hospitality', order=16, label='Hospitality'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=Did you miss our live session? The recording of our webinar on reducing workers' compensation claims in the hospitality industry is now available. Learn actionable strategies to enhance workplace safety and cut costs. Watch the recording here!}', 12='{type=number, value=1737936000000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our webinar recording on Workers’ Compensation: Reducing Expenses in Hospitality}', 14='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Risk Management', order=7, label='Risk Management'}}'}, {id=145809824784, createdAt=1700164717182, updatedAt=1701204324282, 1='{type=string, value=Workplace Active Shooter Awareness}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Watch}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=1000,height=667,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 6='{type=list, value=[{id=25, name='Risk Management', order=25, label='Risk Management'}]}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Webinar', order=0, label='Webinar'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 11='{type=string, value=This webinar gave insight into today's business world's active shooter climate and offered advice on quick and decisive responses in such situations, emphasizing situational awareness. It followed the "Run. Hide. Fight." methodology by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the FBI. Watch the recorded session for valuable guidance.}', 12='{type=number, value=1667260800000}', 13='{type=string, value=Watch our Workplace Active Shooter Awareness Webinar}', 14='{type=option, value={id=2, name='Risk Management', order=7, label='Risk Management'}}'}, {id=111453565781, createdAt=1681766872299, updatedAt=1701354053391, 1='{type=string, value=Yacht Club & Sailing Organization Safety Program Manual}', 3='{type=string, value=}', 4='{type=string, value=Download}', 5='{type=image, value=Image{width=3000,height=2000,url='',altText='',fileId=null}}', 7='{type=list, value=[{id=11, name='Manual', order=9, label='Manual'}]}', 8='{type=number, value=1}', 9='{type=list, value=[{id=12, name='Yacht Club Safety', order=11, label='Yacht Club Safety'}]}', 13='{type=string, value=Download our Yacht Club & Sailing Organization Safety Program Manual}'}, BlogPost 187812153938 Zywave Casualty Insights Conference 2025 - A View from the Chair]pre-filter
[{id=187918185375, createdAt=1743000928060, updatedAt=1743005600094, 1='{type=string, value=Sample California Bond}', 2='{type=string, value=Varies}', 3='{type=string, value=#}', 4='{type=string, value=Learn more}', 5='{type=option, value={id=1, name='california', order=0, label='California'}}', 6='{type=string, value=Subject to Underwriting}', 7='{type=string, value=
Required by the TTB for alcohol-related businesses with annual excise taxes exceeding $50,000.
}'}, {id=187921817602, createdAt=1743001070202, updatedAt=1743005590594, 1='{type=string, value=Sample Arkansas Bond}', 2='{type=string, value=Varies}', 3='{type=string, value=#}', 4='{type=string, value=Learn more...}', 5='{type=option, value={id=2, name='arkansas', order=1, label='Arkansas'}}', 6='{type=string, value=Subject to Underwriting}', 7='{type=string, value=Required by the TTB for alcohol-related businesses with annual excise taxes exceeding $50,000.
}'}, {id=187918692102, createdAt=1743004969903, updatedAt=1743005596878, 1='{type=string, value=Sample California Bond 2}', 2='{type=string, value=X}', 5='{type=option, value={id=1, name='california', order=0, label='California'}}', 6='{type=string, value=Lorem ipsum}', 7='{type=string, value=Description goes here and here}'}]Resources

'Arising Out Of': A Contract Danger Zone
Firms that take the time to review and attempt to negotiate their contracts know to strike the word “defense” if they want to avoid having to pay a client’s attorneys’ fees out of their own pocket. But if the words “arising out of” remain in an ...
2023 Cyber Liability: Building Cyber Resilience in a Complex World
This cybersecurity eBook recaps the state of the cyber in 2022, highlights some important developments, and looks ahead to 2023.
2024 Florida Property Insurance Market Outlook
As 2023 recedes into the past, we’re left to contemplate whether 2024 will be the year for an insurance market recovery in Florida. Much will, of course, depend on what the weather and this year’s storm season brings, but signs are positive and ...
2025 Healthcare M&A Trends: How Customized Insurance Can Limit Risks
Key takeaways: Despite growing regulatory and liability issues, healthcare merger and acquisition activity is on the rise. M&A presents significant growth opportunities, but success requires proactively managing risks.
2025 M&A and Private Equity Outlook: Evolving Market Trends
Key takeaways: For private equity (PE) firms, tariffs, rising interest rates, and U.S. Treasury debt could lead to slower exits, tighter valuations, and holding assets longer than planned. PE firms are shifting their focus to operational ...
2025 OSHA Reporting and Recordkeeping Guide for Employers
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) mandates specific reporting and recordkeeping procedures to ensure workplace safety and accountability.
2025 OSHA Reporting Requirements
Recordkeeping is not usually considered the most exciting task to be done, but it is an important one when it comes to work accidents and OSHA requirements. When recordkeeping is not done correctly, or on time, it can be costly for an employer. During this webinar, we will review the OSHA reporting requirements and the 2025 changes to the process.
3 Ways Ecommerce Is Affecting the Same Day and Home Delivery Industry
With the rise of the millennial e-commerce shopper, consumer interest in same day and home delivery is already high—and quickly rising. In a recent report on same day delivery, BI Intelligence researchers found that “Six in 10 US shoppers said they ...
3PL Over-the-Threshold Delivery: Risks and Insurance Insights
The booming e-commerce industry has shined a light for insurers in an industry previously flying under the radar: third-party logistics (3PL) companies doing over-the-threshold deliveries. While these services offer convenience for retailers and ...
A Comprehensive Guide to Flood Insurance: Essential Protection for Rising Flood Risks
Flooding is by far the most common, costly, and destructive natural disaster in the United States, causing billions in economic losses each year. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), flooding causes 90% of disaster damage ...
ACA Pay-or-Play Penalties Released for 2025
On Feb. 12, 2024, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released Revenue Procedure 2024-14 with updated penalty amounts to the employer shared responsibility (pay-or-play) rules under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) for the 2025 calendar year.
ACA Reporting Requirements Eased with Passage of Two Congressional Bills
UPDATE: President Biden signed both Congressional bills (H.R. 3797 and H.R. 3801) on December 23, 2024. As a result, both bills are now enacted into law, and the relief provided to employers applies to the 2024 ACA reporting season now in early ...
Adapting to the Driver Shortage in the Trucking Industry
The trucking industry is in a state of transition. A persistent driver shortage, compounded by changing demographics, is forcing trucking companies to adapt. Learn about these labor dynamics and their ripple effects if you want to stay ahead of the ...
AI and Surety Bonds: A Guide for Business Leaders
The construction industry relies on surety bonds to guarantee project completion and contract fulfillment. To reduce exposure to risks and facilitate faster, more accurate decisions, both issuers and recipients are leveraging artificial intelligence ...
AI in Last Mile: What it Takes for Technology to Reduce Risk
Editor's Note: This article originally appeared in the Winter issue of Customized Logistics & Delivery Magazine, a trade magazine published by the Customized Logistics and Delivery Association. Reprinted with permission. As the ever-expanding ...
Air Taxis: Are They the Future? What You Need to Know
What is an air taxi? Air taxis are powered-lift vehicles capable of vertical takeoff and landing, and they represent a revolutionary step in urban transportation. These electric aircraft, blending the capabilities of helicopters, drones, and ...
Another Season Begins...Another Compliance Deadline Looms: RxDC Reporting
Summary: Spring is officially here, and with a new season comes a new compliance deadline looming for employers sponsoring group health plans: RxDC reporting for the 2024 reference year. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently ...
Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems: A Guide for Property Owners
An automatic fire sprinkler system is a vital component of fire protection for residential and commercial properties. They help control or extinguish fires and save lives, but misconceptions exist regarding their operation, installation, and ...
Automatic Sprinkler Protection: Risk vs. Reward?
Automatic sprinkler systems are designed to protect life and property, but how do they work? During this webinar, we reviewed the basic features of a sprinkler system including critical installation and maintenance requirements. In addition, we debunk some of those Hollywood myths about how sprinkler systems operate. Watch our recording to learn more!
Benefits Administration System Technology: Ensuring It’s the Right Fit
Technology in general is a retention tool — today’s workers are accustomed to and expect apps, adaptive technology, and electronic document sharing. That’s why implementing an employee and HR friendly benefits administration system pays off. If your ...
Biden’s Gig Worker Labor Rule: Effects on Last-Mile Delivery Businesses
The Biden administration recently announced a plan to redefine gig workers as employees under federal law. This has many in the last-mile industry asking, “what does this mean for me?”.
Building a Crisis Management Plan: Preparing for the Unexpected
A crisis can strike any business at any time. From a workplace accident to a natural disaster, a well-crafted crisis management plan can be the difference between weathering the storm and succumbing to circumstances.
Building a Human Firewall: Strengthening Your Cybersecurity Defenses
Creating a “human firewall” can significantly fortify your business against cyber threats.
Building a Human Firewall: Strengthening Your Cybersecurity Defenses
Cyber threats are escalating. Reports from IBM show that cyberattacks using stolen or compromised credentials surged by 71%, year-over-year in 2023, and 32% of cyber incidents involve data theft and leaks. This indicates a shift towards stealing and ...
Building a Resilient Future: Insurance and Climate Science Collaboration
With storm frequency and severity on the rise, the insurance industry is seeking research-backed risk mitigation solutions. To address extreme weather events, insurance experts are forging alliances with climate researchers to explore new ways to ...
Building Psychology of Safety in Your Team
Safety in the workplace isn’t simply about following rules; it’s a mindset for every action and decision. A safety-conscious perspective will prevent accidents and foster wellbeing in a work environment. Let’s unravel how safety psychology benefits ...
Business Interruption Insurance Essentials
Events outside your control can bring your business to a screeching halt. After one of your best quarters, a wildfire could engulf your warehouse in flames. A hurricane could destroy your hotel’s roof, forcing you to shut down for weeks and costing ....png?width=450&height=250&name=BI%20-%20Part%20One%20(2).png)
Business Interruption Insurance Part 1
Watch the recorded Part 1 of our Business Interruption series where we covered what it is, how it's calculated, and the importance of having insurance for it. Get answers to your basic questions. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable knowledge.
Business Interruption Insurance Part 2
Watch our past webinar where we discussed crucial topics like payroll coverage extension, contingent business interruption, and more. Our experts provided valuable insights to help you understand these extensions and their importance in managing financial risks. Watch the recording to learn more.
Cal OSHA to Enforce New Workplace Violence Prevention Plan Law
On September 30, 2023, Governor Gavin Newsom signed SB 553. Taking effect on July 1, 2024, SB 553 arose from a tragic 2021 workplace violence incident and will become the new Workplace Violence Prevention Plan standard. The new standard will be ...
California Expands Leave Benefits in 2025
Summary: California Governor Gavin Newsom signed legislation in September 2024 expanding paid family leave and other leave benefits for employees working in California, starting on January 1, 2025, including: Expanded paid family leave, Expanded ...
California Insured Policies Must Cover Or Offer to Cover Fertility Treatments Later in 2025
Summary: California Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed legislation (Senate Bill 729) in September 2024, requiring large group health insurance policies issued in California to cover infertility and fertility services, including in vitro ...
California Wildfire Risk and Insurance: What Homeowners and Businesses Need to Know
Key takeaways: California’s devastating wildfires will shift the insurance market, affecting homeowners, businesses, and insurers alike — though it’s too early to determine the overall impact. Beyond rising premiums and policy changes, wildfire ...
California Workplace Violence Prevention Plan
On September 30, 2023, Governor Gavin Newsom signed SB 553. Taking effect on July 1, 2024, SB 553 arose from a tragic 2021 workplace violence incident and will become the new Workplace Violence Prevention Plan standard. The new standard will be enforced by Cal/OSHA and will require California employers to have a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan to create a safer work environment for workers and patrons. In this webinar we reviewed the requirements and help you prepare for this change. Important note: There are steps you need to complete prior to July 1, 2024. Watch the recording now.
California’s Proposed Insurance Reforms for 2024
In August 2023, we wrote about insurer capacity shrinking due to mounting losses from climate change-related disasters. In California, major carriers such as State Farm, Allstate, and Farmers, have stopped writing new property policies or ...
Captives for Last-Mile Delivery Companies: Pros and Cons
Last-mile is facing its twelfth straight year of rising auto liability premiums, driven by consistent losses in the transportation sector. As last-mile businesses hunt for cost-saving measures, captives have become a popular alternative option for ...
Cargo Theft Prevention: 8 Tips
Your cargo plays a pivotal role in connecting businesses and customers. However, it's a target for theft, especially around the holidays. Robberies lead to significant financial losses, put drivers at risk, and disrupt supply chains. These eight ...
Change Healthcare Cyber Attack: Cybersecurity Lessons Learned
Change Healthcare's recent cyber attack sparked a crucial discussion on cybersecurity, business continuity, and contingent liability insurance within the healthcare sector. Cyber attacks in healthcare have been increasing in severity, with ...
Claims-Made vs. Occurrence: Which Dental Malpractice Insurance is Right for You?
It’s easy for dental professionals to feel overwhelmed by the jargon and conflicting advice surrounding dental malpractice insurance. In particular, there’s confusion and misinformation regarding the terms “claims-made” and “occurrence.” Which ...
CMS Proposed Rule’s Potential Impacts To Gender Identity-Related Care Coverage under Group Health Plans
Summary: On March 10, 2025, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the "2025 Marketplace Integrity and Affordability Proposed Rule," (Proposed Rule) addressing various aspects of the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) health ...
Combating Surging Ransomware Attacks: Strategies for Universities and Colleges
Universities and colleges are increasingly under siege by ransomware. In 2023 alone, ransomware attacks on higher education institutions surged by 70%, with 66% of universities falling victim to these cyber assaults.
Commercial Auto Insurance: The Risks of Chasing a Lower Premium
Key takeaways: Lower commercial auto premiums may reduce short-term costs but often result in insufficient coverage and higher deductibles. Gaps in coverage, such as underinsured driver liability, can increase financial risks after accidents. Before ...
Commercial Property Insurance: The Danger of Old Valuations
If you haven’t updated the replacement cost values in your commercial property insurance policies, you risk jeopardizing your bottom line if a claim occurs. Here’s why: some policies contain provisions that reduce your claim payout if you have an ...
Compliance Reminder: CMS Medicare Part D Reporting Due Beginning of March 2025
Employers sponsoring group health plans that provide prescription drug coverage to individuals eligible for Medicare Part D coverage[1] must annually disclose to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) whether that coverage is ...
Compliance Reminder: CMS Medicare Part D Reporting Due February 29, 2024
Employers sponsoring group health plans that provide prescription drug coverage to individuals eligible for Medicare Part D coverage[1] must annually disclose to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) whether that coverage is ...
Congress Seeks Input Upon ERISA’s 50th Anniversary
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), which was enacted in 1974 and governs employer-sponsored benefits, including group health plans.[1]
Connecticut Expands Paid Sick Leave Starting in 2025
Summary: Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont recently signed amendment legislation (H.B. 5005) expanding the availability and requirements of the state’s paid sick leave law (CT PSL). These changes begin to take effect on January 1, 2025. Read on for ...
Considerations for Confirming Work Eligibility Status Given Executive Orders
Given the second Trump administration’s recent Executive Orders related to immigration policy it is easy for employers to get confused, or think it is their responsibility to enforce immigration policy. It is not. Employers, and their Human ...
Construction Site Safety
Watch our Construction Site Safety webinar. Construction sites are full of safety hazards and have many moving parts to manage at the same time. Safety needs to play a starring role during any construction activities and at all times. During this webinar, we discussed the top safety concerns and how we keep everyone, and the property, safe for the duration of the project.
Contractor Management Webinar
Watch our webinar on managing the risks and considerations when contractors undertake work in commercial buildings. We explored crucial safety and compliance factors, the significance of certificate of insurance tracking, and invaluable insights into protecting your property and occupants during construction and renovation projects.
Courier Business Insurance: Real Life Courier Claims You Can Avoid
There are important lessons that can learned from real-life courier losses and courier business insurance. Here’s three examples of common claims and outcomes to help courier and same-day delivery owners avoid potential “potholes”, and develop ...
Creating a Defensible Space Around High-Value Homes in Wildfire Zones
Imagine this: You're the proud owner of a stunning high-value home nestled in the picturesque hills of a wildfire-prone region. The panoramic views from your windows are breathtaking. However, despite the beauty, a hidden danger lurks just beyond ...
Crisis Management Webinar
Watch our Crisis Management webinar. Learn effective pre-planning is a crucial element in any organization's Risk Management program. Whether it's conducting a Job Hazard Analysis or formulating an Emergency Action Plan, organizations invest a substantial amount of time and resources in addressing potential hazards and establishing protocols for emergencies. Surprisingly, what often gets overlooked are the actions to be taken in the aftermath of a crisis.
Cyber - Private Equity's New Priority
Private equity firms need to consider the cybersecurity of their firm and their portfolio as a top priority.
Cyber Hygiene: Checklist
Before underwriting or renewing cyber coverage, insurers are taking a deep look at each organization’s cyber practices. To qualify for coverage — and particularly, if you want the best rates and terms — you need the following resources and procedures in place.
Cyber Resilience Lessons from the CrowdStrike Outage
Editor's Note: This article originally appeared in Carrier Management. Reprinted with permission, this piece contains helpful tips for all organizations that rely on third-party software and firmware updates in their day-to-day operations..jpg?width=450&height=250&name=Cybersecurity-1716849028-700-498%20(1).jpg)
Cyber Risks and Insurance
In today's digital world, cyber threats are constantly evolving, and the cost of a data breach can cripple your business. Join our webinar, Cyber Risks and Insurance, on Wednesday, February 12, where we will discuss the latest cyber insurance market trends, predict future coverage needs and potential pitfalls, and highlight key concerns and common claim drivers. Don't let cyber threats disrupt your operations. Register now to learn how to navigate the ever-changing cyber landscape.
Cyber Security & HIPAA: Why You Need Both to Be Compliant
Cyberattacks and data breaches are growing threats to dental practices, putting patient information and practice operations at risk. In this insightful webinar, "Cyber Security & HIPAA: Why You Need Both to Be Compliant," you'll learn why both robust cybersecurity and HIPAA compliance are critical to safeguarding your practice and staying compliant. Join industry experts Herb Ford from Risk Strategies Dental Practice, Imani Barnes from Risk Strategies Cyber Risk Practice, and Kelly Koch from The Compliancy Group as they dive into the latest trends in cyber threats, the regulatory landscape, and practical solutions for dental practices.
Cybersecurity Essentials for Remote Work Success
Anyone with access to sensitive financial and personal information is a potential target for cybercrime. This reality requires employers to emphasize the importance of cyber safety in remote work. Is your organization using best practices to secure ....jpg?width=450&height=250&name=GettyImages-1446375108%20(1).jpg)
Cybersecurity in Hospitality: Protecting Business in a Digital World Webinar
Watch the recording of "Cybersecurity in Hospitality: Protecting Your Business in a Digital World." This session provides vital strategies for mitigating cyber threats, safeguarding sensitive customer data, and ensuring compliance with industry regulations. Enhance your cybersecurity knowledge and strengthen your business's defenses in an increasingly digital environment. Watch the recording here.
Cybersecurity Risks in Hospitality
For many hospitality businesses, tech isn’t a strength and cybercriminals know it. While you’re busy creating great customer experiences, bad actors are looking for entry points to nab credit card data and gain access to your financial accounts. ...
Cybersecurity Trends 2025: Resilience Planning
Cybersecurity in 2025 will demand sharp focus as technologies like artificial intelligence and quantum computing continue reshaping both risks and defenses. Zero-day exploits are expanding, cybercriminals keep cooking up new schemes, and operational ...
Dental Practice Insurance Whitepaper
Insuring Your New Dental Practice: Protecting Your Passion
DOJ’s Corporate Whistleblower Awards Pilot: Compliance & Risk Impact
In August 2024, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) launched its Corporate Whistleblower Awards Pilot Program to enhance corporate accountability. This program represents a shift from traditional securities law enforcement by the Securities and ...
DOL & IRS Grant Plan Relief Due to Recent Hurricanes
ERISA[1]-governed health and welfare benefit plan sponsors and plan participants impacted by Hurricane Helene, Tropical Storm Helene, and Hurricane Milton now have some relief from, and additional time to comply with, certain plan deadlines and ...
DOL Clarifies FMLA Leave Can Be Used for Clinical Trial Treatment
Summary: The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), under its Wage and Hour Division (WHD), recently released an opinion letter (WHD Letter) clarifying that leave under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) may be used by eligible employees for ...
DOL Clarifies Intersection of FMLA and State PFML Leaves
Summary: The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), under its Wage and Hour Division (WHD), recently released an opinion letter (WHD Letter) that provides clarifying guidance to employers regarding the intersection of federal Family and Medical Leave Act ...
DOL Confirms Cybersecurity Guidance Applies to Health and Welfare Plans
The Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA), part of the Department of Labor (DOL), recently published compliance assistance guidance confirming that its cybersecurity guidance from April 2021 applies to all ERISA plans, including health ...
DOL ERISA Plan Penalties Increase for 2024
The Department of Labor (DOL) recently released the updated civil monetary penalties applicable to various employee benefits-related violations under ERISA for the 2024 calendar year, captured in the reference chart below.
DOL ERISA Plan Penalties Increase for 2025
The Department of Labor (DOL) recently released the updated civil monetary penalties applicable to various employee benefits-related violations under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) for 2025, captured in the reference ...
DOL Overtime Rule Struck Down Nationwide by Federal Court
Summary: On November 15, 2024, a federal district court in Texas struck down the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) recent final rule (Final Rule) increasing the salary thresholds for certain “white collar” exempt employees under the Fair Labor ...
Don’t Take the Bait: How to Protect Against Phishing Scams
When it comes to cyberattacks, companies of all sizes are only as strong as their weakest link. All it takes is one employee to mistakenly click on a link, and instantly a hacker can gain access to the firm’s network and all they hold dear.
Drone Insurance: Essential Coverage for the Entertainment Industry
From feature films to advertising, drone technology has opened new creative possibilities, while also reducing risk, liability, and expense.
E-Bikes/Scooters and Lithium Ion Batteries
The use of lithium ion batteries has skyrocketed with electrical vehicles and toys. With this increased use, has come an increase in fires and deaths. Understand the hazards associated with these batteries and steps you can take to reduce and mitigate your risk. Watch the recorded webinar now!
Effective Human Capital Management is a Transformative Undertaking
Human Capital Management (HCM) is the strategic effort to manage the entire employee life cycle and core HR functions. When successful, HCM efforts result in high return on capital investments or to put it simply, engaged and committed staff who ...
Embracing AI in Talent Acquisition in 2024
As we usher in 2024, the discussion about Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the Talent Acquisition space is just beginning. A key element of any Talent Acquisition (TA) roadmap for 2024 will be the ability to embrace change. As talent ...
Employee Benefit Considerations In Light of the DOL Independent Contractor Final Rule
Now that the Department of Labor (DOL) released the final independent contractor rule on January 9, 2024, this is a good opportunity to remind employers of the intersection of independent contractors and health & welfare benefits, and the ...
Employee Financial Preparedness Benefits Employers
While employers can’t guarantee that their employees will never encounter financial difficulty, there are steps you can take to help your employees protect their finances, prepare for the unexpected, and plan for the future. Many employers focus on ...
Environmental Risks of Electric Vehicles
As the world moves to cleaner energy alternatives such as electric vehicles (EV’s), a not so obvious question lurks: do electric vehicles come with environmental risks? Of course. There are no free lunches, after all. In this article we’ll take a ...
ESOPs: The Importance of Risk Management and Insurance Planning
Employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) are increasingly popular, especially for smaller to mid-sized companies. These innovative plans have been around for decades, with high-profile examples like Avis in the 80s and United Airlines in the 90s. But ...
EV Charging Stations: Risk Management and Insurance Planning
Before installing an electric vehicle (EV) charging station on your commercial property, carefully research the risks and insurance implications. The risks vary, depending on your location and whether you buy the equipment, lease it, or outsource to ...
Explore Our Industry During Insurance Careers Month
Key takeaways: A thriving industry with limitless career paths – The insurance sector is expanding rapidly, offering diverse and dynamic opportunities in a variety of interesting career options. Stability, innovation, and competitive pay – Careers ...
Family Benefits Top the Hierarchy of Employee Needs
Family tops the hierarchy of needs for many employees. Whether or not an employer helps an employee meet the needs of their family can be a major determining factor in the length of their employment.
Family Office Cybersecurity: How to Defend Against Cyberattacks
Key takeaways: Training and awareness: Implement ongoing training programs that cover phishing scams, the latest cyber threats, and security best practices. Regular security audits: Conduct periodic vulnerability assessments to identify and address ...
Fighting Back: Transportation & Construction Liability Litigation Mitigation
Learn actionable strategies to mitigate risk for the transportation and construction industries from our February 5 session. Experts covered early intervention, AI and OSHA litigation trends, and how to combat fraudulent claims.
Final Rules Released For Fixed Indemnity Plans & Short-Term, Limited-Duration Insurance
On March 28, 2024, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), together with the Department of Labor (DOL) and the Department of the Treasury (collectively, the “federal agencies”), released the Short-Term, Limited-Duration Insurance and ...
Fire Safety: Handling Lithium-Ion Batteries in E-Bikes, E-Scooters, and Tools
Imagine this: While pulling into your garage, you accidentally run over the battery for your son’s electric scooter. Aside from a seemingly superficial crack, the battery doesn’t appear to be damaged, so you place it back in the charger. What you ....jpg?width=450&height=250&name=Fleet%20-%20Used%20for%20Risk%20Management%20Webinar%20Invite%20(1).jpg)
Fleet Safety Management
If you have a fleet and drivers, you are more than likely subject to DOT/FMCSA regulations. The transportation industry can be very challenging in keeping up with the current and new rulings with respect to regulations and processes. Companies can find themselves getting lost in it all either by choice or by simply having a breakdown in their Safety Management Process. If this happens, then potential fines and increased administrative costs can drag the business down and negatively impact a business’s reputation. There is even a threat of the business being completely shut down. Explore the significance of a robust safety process and how its breakdown can adversely affect your company's operations. Don't let regulatory challenges steer your business off course!
Foundational Issues Facing the Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) Industry
Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) have long been portrayed in a negative light, often being called “a middleman who increases costs, has little regard for patients, and brings no value.” Recent articles in The New York Times and The Wall Street ...
Fractional Aircraft Owners and Private Jet Club Member Insurance Tips
Imagine this: As a member of an exclusive private jet membership program with a fractional aircraft ownership stake, you appreciate the flexible access this affords you to luxury air travel and a large fleet of private jets around the globe. As with ...
Freight Broker Bond Market: Hard and Uncertain Times
The freight broker bond market recently experienced a significant hardening. Rising premiums and limited capacity, with fewer insurers willing to participate, are contributing to a more challenging environment for brokers and businesses. ...
Gene Therapy and Large Claims Impact on Student Health Insurance
Gene therapy is revolutionizing medical science and will impact student health insurance due to its high costs. This groundbreaking treatment method offers potential cures for chronic conditions like sickle cell disease and hemophilia. Yet, its ...
Get Ahead of Employee Benefits Open Enrollment Challenges Now
With many employers completing their benefits open enrollment at the end of the year, it may feel good to step away and work on something else. However, addressing the challenges that came up during your last open enrollment and getting ahead of ...
Group Health Plan Gag Clause Attestation 2024 Submission Reference Guide
Summary: On May 24, 2024, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Labor (DOL), and the Department of the Treasury (collectively, the Departments) released updated Gag Clause Prohibition Compliance Attestation submission ...
Harnessing Data Science in Healthcare with Stuart Piltch
Risk Strategies Consulting promotes that an effective use of data science, which is also a part of machine learning technology, is to meaningfully integrate, enrich, categorize, and curate data in a method that helps users create a more fact-based ...
Hazard Communication and Hazardous Materials Webinar
Watch our webinar on Hazard Communication and Hazardous Materials in the workplace. We explore the safe use of chemicals, simplify the process of reading Safety Data Sheets (SDS) to equip you with an awareness of OSHA requirements. Additionally, we discuss proper disposal methods, best practices for safe storage, and the crucial limits for storing chemicals. Watch the recording now to enhance your understanding and create a safer work environment!
HCM Systems: How to Move Yours from Fragmented to Optimized
Most employers can improve their human capital management (HCM) systems by moving from a fragmented solution to an integrated one with proper preparation. HCM systems can seem like the panacea to reducing unnecessary manual work for HR and Finance, ...
Health & Welfare Plan Compliance Reminder: Form 5500 Deadline
Employers sponsoring ERISA health and welfare benefit plans for employees should take note of the upcoming Form 5500 filing deadline on July 31, 2024 for calendar year plans.
Health & Welfare Plan Compliance Reminder: Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) Rebates
Summary: Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) rebate season is quickly approaching and employers sponsoring fully insured group health plans are required to review their options on how to use or distribute these rebate funds within three months of receipt. Read ...
Health & Welfare Plan Compliance Reminder: PCORI Fee Filing Deadline
Summary: The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) filing and fee payment deadline of July 31, 2024, for plan years ending in 2023 is quickly approaching. Employers sponsoring self-funded group health plans are responsible to file and ...
Health Plan Compliance Areas to Watch in Early 2025
Now that the Presidential inauguration is in the rearview mirror and during these early days of the second Trump administration, Risk Strategies has compiled a non-exhaustive list of key health plan-related compliance area highlights for employer ...
Helping Women Prioritize the Importance of Heart Health Care
February and March are important months for women, specifically because during those two months we focus on women’s heart health and women’s history. Historically, women have had a negative history of heart health. Did you know that heart disease is ...
HHS Increases Penalties for 2024
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently released inflation-adjusted increases for certain HHS-related penalties, including those for violations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) rules and the ...
HHS Releases Health Care Nondiscrimination Final Rule
Summary: On April 26, 2024, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), under its Office of Civil Rights (OCR), released a final rule under Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Section 1557 is the nondiscrimination provision of the ...
HIPAA Final Rule Strengthening Reproductive Health Care Privacy
Summary: On April 26, 2024, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued an update to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule. The final rule, originally released as a proposed rule in 2023 after the ...
How Changes to Federal Estate and Gift Tax Exemption May Impact Wealth Transfer
Significant tax changes are on the horizon for high-net-worth (HNW) individuals and families. The current historically high federal estate and gift tax exemptions are set to “sunset” at the end of 2025, which will lead to a substantial increase in ...
How Deregulation Could Affect Your Financial Services Business
Key takeaways: The new presidential administration is likely to prioritize a deregulatory agenda. The 2008 financial crisis demonstrated the risks of banking deregulation and weak oversight. Protect your organization by focusing on governance and ...How Lithium-Ion Battery Hazards Are Changing Yacht Insurance
Editor's Note: This article originally appeared in SuperYacht Times. Reprinted with permission.
How the Fragmentation of Healthcare Impacts Claims Payment Integrity
The healthcare industry continues to attract more stakeholders, vendors, payment regulations and oversight, mergers and acquisitions, and innovative revenue cycle management opportunities — and with these come complexity and sometimes unexpected ...
How to Develop a Safety Committee
Enhance your Safety Committee's effectiveness! Elevate safety standards and problem-solving skills. Watch our webinar recording now.
How to Hire the Best Courier & Same Day Delivery Drivers - Part I
Here is where the rubber meets the road when examining how best to hire a courier driver. The drivers you hire, employees or contracting independent drivers, are a critical component to your overall success in controlling losses. Equally as ...
How to Hire the Best Courier & Same Day Delivery Drivers - Part II
In the world of courier and same-day delivery, it should be as clear as the road in front of you. Professional driver contracting and ongoing monitoring is critical to enhancing your safety record and minimizing costs associated with motor vehicle ...
How to Hire the Best Courier & Same Day Delivery Drivers - Part III
Finding the most qualified drivers or Independent Contractors for your fleet is a critical task on the road to sustained growth, profit, and long-term success. But what are the key identifiers in finding top drivers?
How to Improve Your CSA Score and Lower Insurance Costs
In the transportation industry, maintaining a strong safety record contributes to your operational success and financial stability. One key metric that impacts your insurance premiums and overall reputation is your Compliance, Safety, and ...
How Will States with Pay Transparency Laws Affect You?
California, New York, Washington, and Rhode Island have joined the growing list of states that require employers to communicate salary ranges for job openings. This is a big change from the past when companies kept salaries private to:
How Your Experience Modification Rating (EMR) Impacts Your Business
Discover how your Experience Modification Rating (EMR) impacts worker compensation premiums and contractor prequalification's. Explore proactive control methods for lowering EMRs and achieving minimum thresholds. Maximize cost savings for your organization. Watch the recording now!
Hurricane Season Preparedness
The 2022 hurricane season, delayed but devastating, featured Hurricane Ian, which disrupted the insurance market. Our webinar delved into the season, Hurricane Ian, and its impact on insurance markets in Florida and the U.S., with insights from Risk Strategies and One80 Intermediaries. Watch the recording for more details!
Income Protection: An Important Pillar of Employee Well-Being
Employee benefits programs can both positively – and negatively – impact your employees’ income. Employees need more than just good pay. During an employee’s tenure, they will have planned and unplanned expenses. This is why it’s important they are ...
Insights from Our Third Annual Student Health Plan Benchmarking Survey
Good healthcare is connected to student success. Understanding student health insurance plans help insurers develop cost-saving strategies and support mental health needs. Analyzing trends and learning from student programs improves healthcare ...
Insurance Careers Month – Unveiling Insurance’s Promising Career Path
The insurance industry has demonstrated substantial employment growth, as evidenced by the Risk Strategies workforce expanding from 430 employees in 2016 to over 5,000 employees today. Industry expansion affords new and exciting career opportunities ...
Insurance Challenges for High-Net-Worth Individuals in California
Imagine this: You’ve been living in California for decades. You’re a successful individual with multiple vehicles and a home valued in the multi-millions. In recent years, raging wildfires and increased flooding in your area have put your property ...
IRS Adds to Preventive Care Benefit List for HDHPs
Summary: On October 17. 2024, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued Notice 2024-75, adding to the list of preventive care benefits permitted to be covered by high-deductible health plans (HDHPs) without first satisfying the deductible, or with a ...
IRS Announces Increased HSA, HDHP, and EBHRA Limits for 2025
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently announced in Revenue Procedure 2024-25 inflation adjustments to the applicable dollar limits for health savings accounts (HSAs) and high-deductible health plans (HDHPs) for 2025, along with the maximum ...
IRS Announces Increased Retirement Plan Limits for 2025
On November 1, 2024, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced in IRS Notice 2024-80 cost-of-living adjustments to the applicable dollar limits for retirement plans for 2025.
IRS Confirms Unused Qualified Transportation Benefit Funds Cannot Be Refunded
Summary: The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released an information letter earlier this year in response to an employee’s request for a refund of her qualified transportation benefit program funds that went unused due to commuting changes caused by ...
IRS FAQs Released On Educational Assistance Benefits
Summary: The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently released a frequently asked questions (FAQs) fact sheet addressing educational assistance benefit programs under Section 127 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code). Qualified educational assistance ...
IRS Guidance Released Clarifying Alternative Manner of Providing ACA Forms
Summary: On February 21, 2025, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released clarifying guidance in Notice 2025-15 regarding an “alternative manner” notice method of providing Affordable Care Act (ACA) reporting forms to covered individuals, including ...
IRS Private Letter Ruling Offers Employee Choice Between Tax-Favored Benefits
Summary: The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued a Private Letter Ruling (PLR) on May 20, 2024, approving an employer’s proposed amendments to its 401(k) retirement plan. These proposed amendments offer employees a choice to allocate a portion of ...
IRS Releases ACA Affordability Rates for 2025
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released Rev Proc. 2024-35 on September 6, 2024, announcing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) affordability percentage threshold for plan years beginning January 1, 2025. This percentage is adjusted annually for ...
IRS Releases FAQs on Tax Treatment of Work-Life Referral Programs
Summary: The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released Fact Sheet 2024-13 on April 16, 2024, containing FAQs clarifying the federal tax treatment of employer-provided work-life referral (WLR) programs. These FAQs generally state that WLR programs ...
IRS Releases Health Care FSA, Commuter and Adoption Assistance Benefit Limits for 2025
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released Revenue Procedure 2024-40 on October 22, 2024, outlining cost-of-living adjustments for health care flexible spending accounts (FSA), commuter, and adoption assistance program benefits for the 2025 taxable ...
IRS Tax Guidance Issued For State PFML Programs
Summary: The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued Revenue Ruling 2025-4 (“Revenue Ruling”) on January 15, 2025, providing much-awaited and helpful guidance regarding the federal income and employment tax treatment of contributions and benefits ...
Last-Mile Delivery Risks: Why You Need Commercial Umbrella Insurance
In last-mile delivery, protecting your business goes beyond just having the basics. As road risks grow, having comprehensive coverage is a smart way to safeguard your business. That’s where commercial umbrella insurance comes in. It’s an extra layer ...
Latest Supreme Court Decision Preserves Access to Mifepristone
On June 13, 2024, the Supreme Court issued a decision preserving widespread access to mifepristone, a medication whose primary intent is to aid in medical termination of early pregnancy. This unanimous decision by the Supreme Court determined that ...
Liquor Liability Insurance: Mitigating Your Risk
To sell alcohol, your business must carry the liquor liability coverage required by your state or local jurisdiction. Unfortunately, the cost for this insurance keeps rising, leading to increased financial pressure on the hospitality industry.
Lower Workers’ Comp Insurance Costs: 5 Tips for Restaurants
Key takeaways: Workers’ compensation insurance costs are within your restaurant’s control. To reduce workers’ comp expenses, start by identifying your biggest claim cause. That’s where you want to put your efforts. Statistics show delayed claim ...
Maine PFML Contributions Begin in 2025: Employer Next Steps
Summary: As we previously reported here, Maine passed their own paid family and medical leave program (ME PFML) in July 2023 and became the last state in New England to enact a PFML program. Payroll contributions to ME PFML will begin on January 1, ...
Making Safety Simple: Minimizing Risks and Reducing Workers' Comp Costs
Watch our webinar that took place on April 30th at 1:00 PM EST. Our team focused on the four pillars: food safety, operational safety, employee safety, and customer safety. Additionally, focused on the connection between safety and workers' comp. Watch the recording now.
Maryland PFML Program Delayed Once Again
On April 25, 2024, Maryland Governor Wes Moore signed legislation delaying, once again, the Maryland paid family and medical leave program (called “A Time to Care Act of 2022” and hereinafter referred to as “MD PFML”).
Massachusetts Expands Earned Sick Time Law For Reproductive Loss Events
Summary: Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey signed legislation on August 23, 2024[1], that, among other items, expands the qualifying reasons under the Massachusetts (MA) earned sick time law to include reproductive-related loss events, effective ...
Massachusetts Health Plan Coverage & Reporting Requirements: What Employers Need to Know
Summary: Employers with Massachusetts (MA) resident employees take note of: Certain Massachusetts state law with respect to health plan coverage requirements for state residents, and Compliance obligations in connection with employer health plan ...
Massachusetts PFML Updates for 2025
The Massachusetts Department of Family and Medical Leave (the “Department”) recently announced several updates in connection with the Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave (“MA PFML”) program for 2025, outlined in the table below..png?width=450&height=250&name=Medicare%20Cover%20(2).png)
Medicare 101
Discover the ins and outs of Medicare in our comprehensive recorded webinar!
Medicare and Employer Sponsored Health Plans
Learn more about Medicare and Employer Sponsored Health plans in this comprehensive webinar.
Medicare and VA Benefits
If you are a veteran that served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, you may be eligible for Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits.
Medicare Basics
Understanding Medicare Part A, B, C & D
Medicare Fraud
There are several ways you can prevent Medicare fraud.
Medicare Open Enrollment
Medicare annual open enrollment information.
Medicare Part D Creditable Coverage – Changes & Challenges for 2025
Summary: The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA), enacted by Congress in August 2022, includes several cost-reduction provisions affecting Medicare Part D plans. The most significant provision for employer-sponsored group health plans is that the ...
Medicare Part D Creditable Coverage: CMS Proposes Revised Simplified Determination Method for 2026
Summary: As we previously reported last year here, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA), enacted by Congress in August 2022, includes several cost-reduction provisions affecting Medicare Part D plans. The most significant provision for ...
Mental Health Parity Final Rules Released: What Group Health Plans Need to Know
The wait is over now that the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Labor, and the Department of the Treasury (collectively, the “Departments”) released the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) Final Rules ...
Michigan Paid Sick Leave Changes Coming in 2025
UPDATE January 8, 2025: The Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity recently published an FAQs webpage providing clarity and additional guidance to employers on the Michigan Earned Sick Time Act (MI ESTA), ahead of its February 21, ...
Miscellaneous Professional Liability (MPL) Essentials for 2024
In today’s dynamic business landscape, professionals across industries face an ever-present risk of claims due to inadequate work or negligent actions. From a consultant’s strategic advice to a financial advisor’s investment recommendations, even ...
More Changes to Michigan Paid Sick Leave: What Employers Need to Know
As we previously reported here, Michigan employers are now required to provide employees with more generous paid sick leave (known as the Michigan Earned Sick Time Act or “MI ESTA”) than what was required under Michigan’s previous paid sick leave ...
Moving Beyond the Fragmentation of Behavioral Healthcare
Achieving optimal health cannot rely on improving physical health alone. Our holistic health journeys must nurture emotional resilience, a sense of well-being, and overall mental and physical health. Research conducted by the National Institute of ...
Natural Catastrophe Preparedness
Hurricane season is fast approaching and early predictions are for a record-breaking season. With the increase in frequency and severity of natural catastrophe events, we all have to ask ourselves if we are truly prepared for anything. Watch our webinar to learn ways you and your business can prepare so when disaster strikes, you're already ahead of the game.
Navigating the Complex, Ever-Changing Yacht Insurance Market
Imagine this: You are finally nearing retirement, and you are financially secure. You and your spouse decide to get that bigger yacht you've always talked about so that you can spend more time on the water and do some extended cruising in the ...
New Chicago Paid Sick & Paid Leave Ordinance Delayed Six Months
In very welcome relief for Chicago employers, on December 13, 2023, the Chicago City Council approved a six-month delay of the new Chicago city ordinance (Ordinance).
New Chicago Paid Sick Leave & Paid Leave Ordinance for 2024
Brief Summary: Effective December 31, 2023, employers with one or more employees working in the city of Chicago will be required to provide up to 40 hours of paid sick leave and an additional 40 hours of paid leave (for any reason) per year. This ...
New Gag Clause Prohibition Attestation Guidance
Summary: The Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor and the Treasury (collectively, “the Departments”) published frequently asked questions (FAQs) on January 14, 2025, providing clarity and guidance with respect to the No Surprises Act ...
New Group Health Plan Fiduciary Lawsuit Draws Attention
UPDATE: On January 24, 2025, a U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey dismissed two claims alleging breach of fiduciary duties under ERISA in the class-action lawsuit filed against J&J, detailed below. In dismissing the two ERISA ...
New Guidance for Health Plan Cost-Sharing Tool
Summary: On February 2, 2024, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), together with the Department of Labor (DOL) and the Department of the Treasury (collectively, the “federal agencies”) released an FAQs document providing compliance ...
New Jersey Disability and Family Leave Insurance Rate Increases for 2025
Summary: New Jersey recently announced its Temporary Disability Insurance (NJ TDI) and Family Leave Insurance (NJ FLI) program rates for 2025. Unlike in 2023 and 2024, when employees did not contribute to NJ TDI, employees working in New Jersey will ...
New Paid Leave Ordinance in Effect for Cook County, Illinois
Summary: On December 14, 2023, the Cook County Board of Commissioners replaced the prior Cook County earned sick leave ordinance with a new paid leave ordinance. The new ordinance requires employers to provide their employees in Cook County, ...
New Required Notice for Fixed Indemnity Plans in 2025
UPDATE - December 16, 2024: On Dec. 4, 2024, a federal district court in Texas struck down the new notice requirement for fixed indemnity coverage in the group market. This new notice requirement was scheduled to be in effect for plan years ...
New White Papers on the Horizon
In mid-December of 2023, we published an Emerging Trends & Patterns in Healthcare Market Segments white paper that touched on a host of issues and considerations. Contained within was a series of observations around regulatory, legislative, and ...
New York Paid Prenatal Leave Starts January 1, 2025
Summary: As we previously reported here, New York will become the first state in the nation to require employers to provide paid prenatal leave for their employees working in New York, starting January 1, 2025. The New York State Department of Labor ...
New York Passes Landmark Paid Prenatal Care Leave for 2025 & Paid Lactation Breaks Coming Sooner
Summary: New York will become the first state in the nation to require employers to provide paid prenatal leave for their employees working in New York, starting January 1, 2025. Additionally, New York State employers will be required to provide ...
New York Releases Paid Family Leave Rates for 2025
Summary: New York Paid Family Leave (NY PFL) launched in 2018 to provide caregiving benefits to New York State (NYS) workers and their families. NY PFL was implemented in a four-year phase in period and benefits are now fully phased in. In 2025, the ...
Nursing Shortage 2024: Impact of State Department's Visa Freeze on Foreign Nurses
The U.S. healthcare system is grappling with a significant nursing shortage in 2024, exacerbated by the U.S. State Department's decision to freeze new visas for international nurses. This policy affects nurse availability, patient care quality, and ...
OSHA 300 Log and Inspections
Discover OSHA 300 logs and their importance in our past webinar. We explained how to navigate, complete, and submit these logs on OSHA's platform to stay compliant. Watch the recording to learn more and prepare for OSHA inspections..jpg?width=450&height=250&name=GettyImages-1257464522%20(1).jpg)
OSHA Job Hazard Analysis
Please watch our webinar where we explore the importance of Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) in ensuring workplace safety. Learn how conducting JHAs not only satisfies our obligations as employers under OSHA’s General Duty Clause but more importantly identifies and helps us mitigates hazards to provide a safe and healthy work environment for our employees. Watch the recording here!
OSHA's Top 10 Violations for 2023: A Breakdown
Following the announcement of OSHA’s Top 10 Most Frequently Cited Standards of 2023, Risk Strategies hosted a webinar discussing these violations and how to avoid them. This list offers valuable insights for safety professionals and industry ...
Paid Sick Leave Coming to Alaska in 2025: What Employers Need to Know
Summary: Voters in Alaska recently approved a ballot measure requiring employers to provide paid sick leave to employees working in the state, effective July 1, 2025. Read on for key details of the upcoming Alaska paid sick leave requirements and ...
Paid Sick Leave Coming to Missouri in 2025: What Employers Need to Know
Summary: Voters in Missouri recently approved a ballot measure requiring employers to provide paid sick leave to employees working in the state, effective May 1, 2025. Read on for key details of the upcoming Missouri paid sick leave requirements and ...
Paid Sick Leave Coming to Nebraska Later in 2025: What Employers Need to Know
Summary: Voters in Nebraska recently approved a ballot measure requiring employers to provide paid sick leave to employees working in the state, effective October 1, 2025. Read on for key details of the upcoming Nebraska paid sick leave requirements ...
PBM Market Dynamics: Stuart Piltch's Call to Stay Calm and Informed
Two of the three major PBMs, CVS/Caremark and Express Scripts, Inc. (ESI), have made recent announcements around alternative cost structures they will be offering in the marketplace. OptumRx has yet to make an announcement, but as one of the three ...
PCORI Fee Amount Increase for 2025
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently issued Notice 2024-83, increasing the fees paid by group health plans to fund the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI).
Peeling Back the Layers of Your Pharmacy Benefit Design
It’s the time of year for a pharmacy benefit annual review to evaluate benefit design options, new programs, and trend management solutions for the 2025 benefit year. While it is best practice for plan sponsors to review their organization’s core ...
Peer Review In Design: Pluses & Perils
A proposal is a design firm’s chance to stand out, impress the client, and win the work. This program delve into the potential hazards associated with using "sales" language in proposals and how generic "boilerplate" proposals create risk. Additionally, it delve into effective strategies to craft winning proposals that not only impress, but also safeguard the design firm’s interests. Watch the recording now!
Peer Review in Design: Pluses and Perils
Peer review is an increasingly important aspect of the design industry. Examples of expensive and potentially disastrous fails like San Francisco's sinking Millennium Tower highlight the need for stricter peer review in design. This process involves ...
Personal Health & Wellness Expenses Cannot Be Reimbursed From FSA/HRA/HSA
The IRS recently issued an alert reminding taxpayers that tax-advantaged health spending accounts, such as health flexible spending accounts (FSAs) and health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), cannot pay for, or reimburse, personal expenses for ...
PFAS Liability: How the Latest EPA Ruling Affects Your Business
We’ve reached a turning point. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), once hailed for their industrial applications and water-resistant properties, are now a widespread health concern. Business leaders, environmentalists, and regulators have ....png?width=450&height=250&name=Fine%20Art%20-%20Cover%20%20(1).png)
Political Violence Insurance for Fine Art
Conflicts, tensions, and elections around the globe are sparking concerns among museums, galleries, and art collectors. Could civil unrest endanger art in transit or on display? If yes, how can the fine art community protect against these risks? Here’s an information guide to consider when formulating your risk management strategy.
Post-Crowdstrike: Takeaways and Learning Lessons
Risk Strategies National Cyber & Technology product leader, Allen Blount, and Commercial Lines Leader, Randy Raymond, drove a discussion on the lessons learned from the CrowdStrike outage and the importance of cyber liability coverage.
Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) Final Rule Highlights
On April 19, 2024, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) published a final rule[1] to implement the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA). As a reminder, the PWFA first went into effect on June 27, 2023[2]. This final rule, which ....jpg?width=450&height=250&name=female-worker-using-tablet-for-controling-products-while-standing-in-food-factory-800x550%20(1).jpg)
Product Recall Strategies for the Food & Beverage Industry
Watch our Product Recall Strategies webinar recording now. Amber Krogman of Risk Strategies spoke with Matthew Carpenter from AmWins Insurance Brokerage and Kim Daniels from RQA, Inc. to dissect the ins and outs of product recall and contamination insurance policies, and how to prepare for recalls and mitigate the impact to your company.
Progressive Design Build: Improving and Expediting Project Outcomes
Key takeaways: Progressive design-build (PDB) is an alternative project delivery method that can reduce risk and improve insurability, especially in high-risk scenarios. PDB integrates the owner, contractor, and design team early in the design ...
Protecting Your Business from Deepfake Threats
Deepfake technology blurs the line between reality and fabrication. While sometimes used for entertainment purposes or as a novelty, deepfakes can be a dangerous tool for cybercriminals, enabling scams, blackmail, and misinformation. Learn more ...
Recent DOL Guidance on Group Life Insurance Premiums & EOI Practices
Summary: The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently announced two separate settlements with major life insurance carriers (Unum and Lincoln), requiring them to revise their evidence of insurability (EOI) practices in the wake of federal ...
Recent Spotlight on IVF and Contraceptive Coverage Options
Summary: Recent developments have spotlighted in vitro fertilization (IVF) coverage in Alabama and contraceptive coverage options generally. These developments, along with recent regulatory guidance, have sparked increased interest and inquiries ...
Recent Supreme Court Decision Overruling Chevron: Impact to Employee Benefits
On June 28, 2024, the United States Supreme Court issued a landmark decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and Relentless Inc. v. Department of Commerce (Loper), overruling its prior decision in Chevron, U.S.A. Inc. v. Natural Resources ...
Reminder: San Francisco HCSO Upcoming Reporting Deadline
Employers covered by the San Francisco Health Care Security Ordinance (HCSO) are required to submit the 2024 HCSO Annual Reporting Form by Friday, May 2, 2025.
Reminder: San Francisco HCSO Upcoming Reporting Deadline
Employers covered by the San Francisco Health Care Security Ordinance (HCSO) are required to submit the 2023 Annual Reporting Form by Friday, May 3, 2024.
Reporting Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage on 2024 Form W-2
The January 31, 2025 deadline to file (and furnish to employees) 2024 Forms W-2s, Wage and Tax Statements, is quickly approaching.
Reporting Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage on Form W-2
The January 31, 2024 deadline to file (and furnish to employees) 2023 Forms W-2s, Wage and Tax Statements, is quickly approaching.
Rethinking Women's Health in 2024: Insights from Stuart Piltch
Differentiating healthcare for women is important. Women’s health evolves over a lifetime and each stage requires a personalized, coordinated, outcomes-based approach that needs proper diagnosis as well as the dismantling of assumptions.
Return to Work Program
In our past webinar, we explored the importance of having a return-to-work policy and timely claims reporting when an employee gets injured on the job. Watch the recording to discover the benefits of such policies.
Ripple Effect: The Prolonged Impact of Water Damage in the Home
Imagine this: You and your family take off for a ten-day vacation. Before you leave, a corroded pipe ruptures behind an upstairs bathroom vanity. No one notices the damp wall before rushing off to the airport. Days pass and water continues to flow ...
Risk Strategies Consulting – What Makes Us Who We Are?
Risk Strategies Consulting was formed in January 2023, as a separate and distinct entity within the Risk Strategies structure. The goal was to create a differentiating, independent consulting entity designed to serve the specific needs of large and ...
Safety Psychology
Safety is fundamentally about people, including those we work with and their families. OSHA Regulations, evolving since 1970, adapt to changing workplaces. Despite measures like programs and protective gear, injuries persist. Safety Psychology goes beyond physical measures, delving into how human actions affect organizational safety. Watch the recording to uncover overlooked crucial elements.
San Francisco Health Care Security Ordinance Rates for 2025
The 2025 rates for the San Francisco Health Care Security Ordinance (HCSO) were recently released by the San Francisco Office of Labor Standards Enforcement (OLSE).
SEC Scrutiny and Crypto Insurance: Protecting Your Investments
Recently, Uniswap Labs received a Wells Notice from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The notice formally warns Uniswap, the largest decentralized crypto exchange (DEX), that federal regulators will bring charges against it.
Smart Technology in Safety and Property Protection
Over the past few years, we have seen a significant increase in the use of “smart” devices to monitor everything from fleet/auto safety to water damage and injury to freezing temperatures. These devices help empower employers and owners to reduce their risks through early notifications of a potential issue. This webinar will review some of these devices and their pros and cons.
Social Media Posts Can Affect Your Insurance Rates
Editor's Note: This article about social media and insurance underwriting recently appeared in the Oregon Restaurant and Lodging Association’s blog. Reprinted with permission, this piece includes helpful tips for hospitality, entertainment, and ...
State of the Hired & Non-Owned Auto Liability Market in 2025
One of the questions we have been recently asked by clients is “What will happen with the hired and non-owned auto liability rates? Download our whitepaper.
State of the Market
We invite you to explore our 2025 Initial Outlook and 2024 Wrap-Up,
Strengthening Cybersecurity in Car Dealerships: Lessons from the CDK Global Hack
The recent cyberattack on CDK Global, which affected thousands of car dealerships nationwide, underscored significant vulnerabilities within industries in which a single vendor hack can disrupt entire swaths of the market, such as healthcare and ...
Stuart Piltch Announces Healthcare Provider Network Assessment Whitepaper
In recent blogs, we’ve taken a look at network provider systems including the Uniform Data System and also how healthcare provider networks are under intense scrutiny. These insights were developed as part of an in-depth assessment of healthcare ...
Stuart Piltch Reveals Emerging Healthcare Market Trends
Healthcare is a large and complex network of landscapes that impact everyone in the United States, from investor to provider, plan sponsor, and patient. Changes in trends in the healthcare market segment have a direct impact on all those affected. ...
Stuart Piltch Shares Developments in the Biosimilar Landscape
Biosimilar drugs, a biological product highly similar to but with no clinically meaningful difference from an existing reference product (drug), are expected to reduce drug costs by $181 billion over the next five years. They also hold the potential ...
Summary of 2025 State PFML & Paid Leave Developments
The beginning of a new year is an ideal time to provide employers with a summary of recent developments and updates with respect to state-mandated paid leave and paid family and medical leave (PFML) programs.
The AI Revolution: Navigating D&O and Cyber Insurance Implications for Private Equity
The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and its widespread reach are no longer simply concerns for AI developers. The risks and exposures of AI aren’t limited just to errors and omissions (E&O), and cyber claims in the tech ...
The Baltimore Bridge Collapse: Who’s Liable?
The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge following a collision with the container ship Dali could result in the most expensive marine insurance payout in modern history, potentially exceeding $1 billion. The ship owners and their insurers, ...
The Bankruptcy Support You Haven’t Heard Of
More public companies going bankrupt means more problems for directors and officers. If you find yourself in a litigation storm, specialized insurance solutions can be a lifesaver. Additional policies may offer more protection than just a directors ...
The Christie’s Auction House Hack and You
The ongoing hack of Christie’s auction house immediately ahead of a planned $840M art sale is an abject lesson in the realities of risk in today’s internet-connected and dependent business world.
The Future of Risk: Systemic Risks to Watch in 2025
The days of treating risks as isolated incidents are over. As we move deeper into 2025, business owners need to rethink how they view risk. Today’s most damaging challenges are deeply connected, compounding, and often lurk beneath the surface until ...
The Human Capital Management Strategy-to-Execution Disconnect
Organizations typically have siloed Human Resources (HR) and finance systems, data, and processes to run payroll, administer employee health and welfare benefits, and manage other key HR systems and functions. This hampers the experience for all ...
The Importance of Management Liability Insurance in the Wake of the FTC Noncompete Rule
The Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) ban on non-compete agreements will upend traditional employment practices, affecting a wide swath of employers, employees, and legal professionals. As this landmark rule takes effect in September, employers will ...
The Key Component Missing in Benefits Strategy Planning
When it comes to your employee benefits strategy, offering a broader choice is directionally appropriate for most organizations. However, it does not mean offering a plethora of options is right for your business or for your employees.
The Process for Automobile, Property, & General Liability Claims
Our webinar recording on "The Process for Automobile, Property, & General Liability Claims: Claims Reporting and Handling Guidelines," which covered topics such as automobile accidents and claims, property claims, and general liability claims, is now available for viewing. Check it out to gain valuable insights into these areas.
The Rise of Direct to Employer Healthcare Relationships
Today's healthcare landscape is evolving, with traditional service delivery adapting to meet diverse needs more effectively. The Direct to Employer (DTE) healthcare model exemplifies this shift, emerging as a significant growth avenue for health ...
The Starting Point for Building a Balanced Benefits Strategy
Both CFOs and CHROs have a needed perspective on an organization’s benefits strategy. The CFO is focused on the financial impacts of benefits while the CHRO is more attuned to implementing benefits aligned with the organization’s recruit and retain ...
The Underlying Opportunity in Healthcare Point Solutions
Healthcare point solutions are services designed to provide a health, wellness, and/or condition-based service to supplement a benefits plan. These solutions address a specific condition and provide care or a program that meets a need in the ...
These 5 Steps Drive Positive Wellness Program Health Outcomes
A successful wellness program must be aligned with what employees consider important. Implementing a wellness program without employee input will not guarantee that the health of your workforce improves. Employees need to be shown the value of ...
Tips from the Trenches: Change Management
In the "Change Management: A Risk Manager's Role in Sustaining Operational Efficiency" interview series, we explored common organizational barriers to change, identified critical success factors for change adoption, understood that people resist control more than change, and learned about Newmawashi, a Japanese approach for obtaining quick agreement on change.
Tips from the Trenches: Cyber Renewal
The cyber marketplace is undergoing a period of unprecedented change. Colleges and universities are particularly being impacted due to historical claims experience. Watch Steve Bryant and Rob as they discuss the importance of being proactive and implementing best-in-class controls to differentiate yourself in this market and control your total cost of risk.
Tips from the Trenches: Disaster Recovery Part 1
Dive into the insightful world of Higher Education risk management with Steve Bryant's "Tips from the Trenches" interview series. In Part One, Steve engages in thought-provoking discussions with subject matter experts, unraveling the complexities of risks in Higher Education. Watch the recorded webinar now!.jpg?width=450&height=250&name=Education_resized-1%20(2).jpg)
Tips from the Trenches: Disaster Recovery Part 2
Elevate your disaster recovery strategy. Watch part two, Tips from the Trenches, an exclusive interview series featuring Steve Bryant and Tres Hurst. Discover key insights on building strong relationships between institutions and their disaster recovery partners. Watch the recording now!
Tips from the Trenches: Disaster Recovery Part 3
Dive into the aftermath of catastrophe on a university campus in the concluding episode of our Disaster Recovery interview series. Join Steve Bryant and subject matter expert Tres Hurt as they share insights and strategies. Watch the recording now!.jpg?width=450&height=250&name=GettyImages-1446902902%20(1).jpg)
Top 10 OSHA Citations Webinar
Every year OSHA releases its most cited regulations in both General Industry and Construction and then there is the top 10 list that is a combination of both. Please watch our recording as we dive into the top 10 most frequently cited standards to gain a better understanding of how to prevent those hazards from popping up at your construction project or facility.
Top 3 Mistakes When Searching for Commercial Auto Insurance
Navigating commercial auto insurance can be daunting. With so many policy options available, it’s easy to find yourself overwhelmed. As you work to protect your operations from expected and unexpected risks and liabilities, the search for affordable ...
Transparent Financial Disclosure
In our recently published white paper, Disclosure, Transparency, and Fiduciary Responsibility, we describe the importance of enhanced disclosure, strong diligence, and heightened audit practices that are enforced by well-written contracts to ensure ...
Trucking Workforce: The Pros and Cons of 1099 Contractors vs. Employees
The transportation industry runs on efficiency. For many, the 1099 independent contractor model is the perfect solution for trucking companies. You skip payroll taxes, don’t have to provide benefits, and you potentially gain greater flexibility in ...
Understanding the 23andMe Data Breach and Ensuring Cybersecurity
- UPDATE - From breach to bankruptcy: 23andMe’s data fallout continues Little more than 18 months after disclosing a major cyber breach, the subject of the original post below, 23andMe has filed for bankruptcy. The 2023 breach triggered an avalanche ...
Understanding the MGM and Caesars Cyberattacks: Lessons Learned
Many of today’s increasingly devastating high-profile “cyberattacks” can actually be attributed to human error. The recent attacks on Caesars Entertainment and MGM Resorts stand as stark examples of this. Caesars reportedly paid a $15 million ransom ...
Upcoming Dates To Know for Delaware PFML
As we previously reported, Delaware passed the “Healthy Delaware Families Act” on May 10, 2022, establishing a paid family and medical leave insurance program for employees working in Delaware (DE PFML), set to begin paying out benefits on January ...
Upcoming Medicare Part D Creditable Coverage Notice Distribution Deadline
The annual Medicare Part D enrollment period, which generally runs from October 15 until December 7 each year, is quickly approaching. Employers who offer prescription drug coverage must distribute a notice of "creditable" or "non-creditable" ...
Upcoming State Paid Leave and PFML Developments & Reminders
As the summer months roll on, now is a good opportunity to provide employers with a summary of reminders as well as recent developments and updates with respect to certain state-mandated paid leave and paid family and medical leave (PFML) programs.
Updated CMS Instructions Released for 2023 RxDC Reporting
Summary: The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released updated RxDC reporting instructions for the 2023 reference year, which is due on June 1, 2024. These updated instructions highlight noteworthy reporting changes ...
Updates to Oregon Leave Laws
Summary: Oregon Governor Tina Kotek signed legislation (SB 1515) on March 20, 2024, revising the state’s Family Leave Act (OFLA) to align with the state’s Paid Leave Oregon (PLO) law and simplify leave administration for employers with Oregon ...
Using a Job Hazard Analysis to Meet OSHA Regulatory Requirements
Editor’s note: This article summarizes a recent Risk Strategies webinar based on OSHA content. For additional details, please refer to OSHA's Job Hazard Analysis documentation, OSHA 3071. Navigating OSHA regulations to maintain a safe work ...
What is Personal Umbrella Insurance and How Much Do I Need?
High-net-worth (HNW) individuals work hard to build their wealth. But a lawsuit, even a seemingly unfounded one, could threaten a HNW family’s financial security and their reputation if adequate and comprehensive insurance protection is not in ...
When Water Doesn't Help; Boatyard and Marina Fires
Don't miss our past webinar discussing best practices for boatyard, yacht club, and marina fire prevention. We reviewed the causes of fires, prevention measures, and recovery steps. Watch the recording to protect your vessel and community.
Why Helping Your Employees Attain Balance is Key to Mental Health Support
Providing support to help employees stay balanced is increasingly important. Employees feel balanced when they are psychologically comfortable or content. This balance can help them navigate through life’s difficulties such as grief, divorce, work ...
Why Personal Disability Insurance for Dentists is Important
Key takeaways: Not all disability insurance policies work well for dental professionals. Here are six elements dentists need to look for when choosing personal disability insurance.
Wildfire Mitigation and Prevention
Wildfires have become more frequent and severe over the last several years causing billions of dollars of damage and destroying communities. Discover steps that can be taken to make properties more resilient and what you can do to be prepared should a wildfire come your way. Watch the recorded webinar for valuable insights!
Winter Weather Preparation
This webinar provided valuable insights into mastering preparations and responses for winter weather. Be equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate through the challenges brought by cold weather. Watch the recording now!
Workers’ Comp Insurance Considerations for Remote Workers
Despite highly publicized return-to-work mandates, many organizations today continue to support flexible work arrangements. If employees work from home at least some of the time, what are the workers’ comp insurance implications? Have you taken a ...
Workers’ Comp Insurance Cost: Planning for 2025
Unless you’re in a high-risk industry, your workers’ compensation costs may feel more manageable in 2024 (as compared to other insurance coverages). The relatively “soft” workers’ compensation insurance market has been a welcome break for many ...
Workers’ Comp Insurance: 8 Ways to Trim Costs
Editor's Note: This workers’ comp insurance article originally appeared in Premier Flooring Retailer, a trade magazine published by the World Floor Covering Association. Reprinted with permission, this piece contains helpful tips for all ...
Workers’ Compensation: Reducing Expenses in Hospitality
Did you miss our live session? The recording of our webinar on reducing workers' compensation claims in the hospitality industry is now available. Learn actionable strategies to enhance workplace safety and cut costs. Watch the recording here!
Workplace Active Shooter Awareness
This webinar gave insight into today's business world's active shooter climate and offered advice on quick and decisive responses in such situations, emphasizing situational awareness. It followed the "Run. Hide. Fight." methodology by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the FBI. Watch the recorded session for valuable guidance.
Zywave Casualty Insights Conference 2025: A View from the Chair
Recently, I was honored to serve as Chair of the Zywave Casualty Insights Conference in New York. The keynote speaker was Hartford’s Mo Tooker, who provided thoughtful and engaging comments on trends in the current casualty market. Several panels ...Sorry!
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