Unmanned Aerial System and Drones

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Insurance coverage for unmanned aerial systems and drones

Risk Strategies provides Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) insurance, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) insurance, and Non-Owned Unmanned Aerial Vehicle insurance for manufacturers, military, law enforcement, film production, search and rescue, agricultural, and other aerial work uses.

We understand the risks involved in manufacturing and operating UAS and we have spent considerable time understanding the mechanics and properties of UAV and UAS themselves. As such, we have a detailed insight into the insurance requirements of such aerial units and have developed innovative insurance products through several of the world’s leading Aviation and Aerospace Insurers.

Risk Strategies can provide hull and liability coverage for all risks of ground and flight for the following:

  • Multi-rotor UAS / UAV Insurance
  • Fixed Wing UAS / UAV Insurance
  • Single Rotor UAS / UAV Insurance
  • Civilian and Law Enforcement Drone Insurance
  • RPAS Insurance

UAS / UAV uses we insure include:

All policies are written and covered by A to A++ Rated aviation and aerospace insurance companies on aviation and aerospace insurance policy forms. These are not adapted commercial general liability policies (CGL) written by non-aviation property insurers.

Whether your intended use is for aerial photo, aerial filming surveillance, photographic or other purposes, we can help and are licensed in all 50 states. If you are unsure about the liability insurance implications, we’ll be happy to advise you and guide you towards the coverage that you need.

Industry Experts

Haley Hughey

Sr. Account Executive

Beverly Yunhua Geiger
Account Manager
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Required by the TTB for alcohol-related businesses with annual excise taxes exceeding $50,000.

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Required by the TTB for alcohol-related businesses with annual excise taxes exceeding $50,000.

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