Inland Transit and Ocean Cargo

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Coverage for any mode

Planes, trains, ships, and trucks — goods and products shipped over land, by water, or through the air need coverage against risks of damage or loss. While this coverage can be part of an “All Risk” property policy, Risk Strategies Property specialists can place tailored standalone Inland Transit or Ocean Cargo Policies when it’s better suited to the challenge.

Covering all types of equipment, products, parts, and materials being shipped by automobiles, trucks, trains, planes, and boats or vessels, Inland Transit and Ocean Cargo policy coverage can also be extended to temporary storage locations being used while in transit.

Stock Throughput Policy 

Looking for something more end-to-end? Risk Strategies Property Insurance specialists can place a Stock Throughput Policy, a form of marine cargo insurance that covers items and the overall flow of goods — from the production point to the final destination.

Covering goods in transit anywhere in the world, on land, in the air, or over water, Stock Throughput policies include coverage for storage at owned or third-party facilities. In addition to providing coverage for standard perils like fire and explosion, these policies can also provide coverage for natural hazard catastrophe perils like earthquakes, floods, and windstorms.

More flexible than traditional property and transit policies, these policies can be adjusted to tailor coverage around specific needs and exposures. Deductibles and rates can also be more competitive than those found in traditional property and transit policies.

Get coverage that can keep up with your business needs.

Practice Leadership

Carl Smith

National Property Practice Leader and International Practice Leader

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