Environmental Liability

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Specialty insurance to protect against costly environmental exposures

Environmental liability is complex and can touch every aspect of your business – from people to property and a whole range of liability risks. Our Environmental Liability Insurance practice offers insurance products that help mitigate these risks, such as pollution liability coverage that includes remediation, property damage, bodily injury, pre-existing and new contamination, transportation, non-owned disposal sites, emergency response, and regulatory changes.

Our specialty focus allows us to take a deep dive into the unique environmental risks your business faces, including:

  • Audit and review existing programs to identify gaps in coverage and seek improvements
  • Identify enterprise-level issues and risk transfer, management, and control options
  • Review existing insurance for appropriate limits, increasing sub-limits to enhance coverage
  • Ensure pandemic-related coverage is included in current policy and if not, identify risks and loss mitigation solutions
  • Define possible alternative risk transfer mechanisms including captives and risk retention groups

Our offerings within the Environmental Liability Insurance practice are tailored to meet each client’s specific needs. With solutions that cover nearly every possibility, we can create a plan that protects you from risks like pollution, contamination, and more.

  • Pollution legal liability to cover cleanup costs, pre-existing or new contamination, bodily injury, property damage, legal defense, regulatory changes, third-party diminution of value, income, non-owned disposal sites, transportation emergency response, and mold and legionella
  • Remediation cost cap that provides protection when the cost of a remediation project exceeds the cleanup costs or existing conditions caused by contractors on site
  • Secured creditor protection for lenders when a borrower defaults and protects lenders against assuming environmental liabilities
  • Environmental liability transfer by providing balance sheet relief
  • Combined environmental, general liability, and professional package programs

Our Environmental Liability Insurance team understands the long-tail realities of environmental liabilities, regulatory and compliance requirements, and risks to businesses, contractors, and lenders.

Connect with the Risk Strategies Environmental Liability Insurance team today and ensure you get a specialist approach to your risk.

Practice Leadership

Joe Quarantello

National Environmental Practice Leader

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Required by the TTB for alcohol-related businesses with annual excise taxes exceeding $50,000.

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Required by the TTB for alcohol-related businesses with annual excise taxes exceeding $50,000.

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Required by the TTB for alcohol-related businesses with annual excise taxes exceeding $50,000.

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Required by the TTB for alcohol-related businesses with annual excise taxes exceeding $50,000.

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