Excess Liability

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Coverage beyond the usual limits

Protecting your people, reputation, assets, and data is the ultimate goal of any insurance & risk management program. But what is their actual value and how much protection should you buy? They’re intertwined, complicated, and nuanced questions with which many firms understandably struggle.

The Risk Strategies Casualty Insurance team is an expert in unpacking the complexities, bringing data-driven clarity that helps make coverage amount decisions clear. By providing benchmarking information specific to your casualty program, our team can offer insight into your options for excess coverage.

Excess Liability policies provide coverage beyond the limits of your General Liability, Automobile Liability, and Employers Liability coverages. The excess policy “sits above” those policies, stepping in once their coverage limits are exhausted to provide you with additional protection against catastrophic loss.

Typically, most companies purchase between $5M - $100M in total, with the very largest firms buying up to $1B in excess coverage limits.

In today’s global insurance market, Risk Strategies Casualty Practice can shop the world on your behalf. Working with your specific needs and circumstances in mind, we draw on our deep experience and long-standing to access markets in the United States, Bermuda, London, and other major locations to find the best coverage and premium rates, coordinating with each location to get the best outcome for you.

Connect with Risk Strategies Casualty Insurance specialists today.

Practice Leadership

Mike Vitulli

National Casualty Practice Leader

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Required by the TTB for alcohol-related businesses with annual excise taxes exceeding $50,000.

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