Aerospace & Aviation

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Specialty insurance for commercial aviation exposures on the ground and in the air

The aviation and aerospace industry is continually faced with unique challenges that can be complex, yet critical, to understand. From pilot training and safety to maintenance, license and certificate administration, asset purchases, and more, you want to ensure you are complying with federal guidelines and protecting your business.

As a leading aviation, aerospace, and defense risk management specialist, we know the needs of our clients go far beyond what the eyes can see. Our team of specialists has decades of industry experience and is dedicated to helping you understand the complexities of aviation risks and management needs. We specialize in many coverages including:

  • Manned commercial and industrial aid aircraft
  • Aviation business insurance
  • Unmanned aerial system and drone
  • Travel medical service and repatriations for aircraft passengers and crews
  • Non-owned aviation hull and liability

For fresh insights on your existing insurance programs or to develop comprehensive and creative new solutions, our team of specialists is ready to help you manage your risk and prepare for the unexpected. We offer industry knowledge so you are covered from ground to flight and back. The top risks our clients face include:

  • Gaps in coverage for aircraft loss of use or damage
  • Passenger and employee injuries or bodily harm
  • Property damage to third parties by crew members, maintenance, line services, and dispatch personnel
  • Non-owned aircraft and aviation liability including air charter operators

No two businesses are the same, so getting aviation and aerospace risk right requires specialization. We tailor our risk management services to meet your specific needs protecting your aircraft, equipment, pilots, crew, passengers, and personnel on the ground and in the air.

What should a charter customer obtain from the charter broker prior to flight?

Always obtain a certificate of insurance naming each charter customer entity (including officers, directors, agents, employees and related entities) as additional insured for all operations; breach of warranty and a waiver of subrogation with at least thirty (30) day notice of cancellation or material change

We provide airside services at our Fixed Based Operation (FBO) - where does the aviation coverage end?

FBOs display exotic and luxury cars, motorcycles, art, and other similar displays in their lobbies, and in virtually all cases, the Auto Liability and Commercial General Liability (CGL) stops at the airside gate or FBO entrance doors. Airport premises (i.e. where the cars are displayed) also expose the business auto owner to premises and CGL arising from the space occupied by the asset.

Who needs non-owned aircraft and/or drone coverage?

You do, if you or your organization uses an aircraft or drone that you or your organization do not own, even if you are only a passenger. Corporate Non-Owned and Personal Non-Owned policies are readily available at competitive costs, and up to $100,000,000 Combined Single Limit, to provide third party legal liability, premises liability, war risks, contractual liability, and so on.

Are fractional owners at risk of being liable for damages if their charter operator acts outside of the terms of the insurance contract?

Charter operators can violate a contract by simply falling behind on recurrent training or routine aircraft maintenance. Contingent liability is available to address this risk. If the primary policy is void due to operator’s neglect, then the contingent liability is the only coverage provided.

Are UAV/UAS policies written on adapted commercial general liability (CGL policy forms) by non-aviation property insurers?

No, insurers are aviation hull and liability underwriters who have spent considerable time understanding the mechanics and properties of UAV and UAS themselves. Policies are written on aviation and aerospace insurance policy forms by A to A++ rated aviation insurers to cover uses such as aerial photography, filming, surveillance, law enforcement, construction, real estate, agriculture, and conservation and so on.

Industry Experts

Haley Hughey

Sr. Account Executive

Stefan Latzko
Sr. Account Manager
Cameron Savaree-Ruess
Account Manager
Beverly Yunhua Geiger
Account Manager
Natalie Kiddoo
Account Manager
Viviane Hibbler
Account Executive
Matt Wilkin
Associate Account Manager

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